Thursday, June 11, 2009

Testing out Zemanta

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

I am testing out this new blogging plug-in for IE and Firefox. It's called Zemanta and what it does is analyze your post as you are writing it and it'll give tips on how to "jazz" up your post. So far I've typed 3 lines and haven't got anything back. Oh wait. Here it goes.

Blog better using ZemantaImage by chucks via Flickr

This is what it would look like:

It gives you possible links to use based on words you have typed. Recommends tags, related images and anything that has been written about key words.

Zemanta is super easy to use. You can take the suggestions or leave em. Either way it is all there for you. I dig it. My only grip? Why will the images only float to the left of my text? Sort of annoying that I can't move them elsewhere. I see now that if I go into Preferences at the bottom of the side bar I get the option to either have my images to the left or right of the text. Hmm. Don't like that.

Either way, Zemanta is great if you're a hardcore blogger...something I ever was or will ever be. This post is random enough considering I haven't been blogging...but that's another story for another day.

Note: After I finished bitching about have all the images on one side I was able to go into the "Edit Html" and move the images where I want them. Yeah....easy.

Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Boys

Originally uploaded by geefunk
Playing around with the Poladroid app on my mac. I think this picture looks so awesome like this! It's a picture taken with Gerardo's phone at Andy's 1st Dodgers game earlier this month. Looks totally vintage.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

YouTube Tuesday

SO EFFING FUNNY! *blushing* and

Friday, April 24, 2009


I was tagged by Laura & so here’s my mugshot! So Blah. Getting ready for bed - to watch a movie. I’m tagging: Diana, Angelica, Mariela & Jessica.

The rules are:
* Take a picture of yourself right now.
* No primping or preparing.
* Just snap a picture.
* Load the picture onto your blog.
* Tag some people to play along.

Now let’s see your lovely pictures!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

YouTube Tuesday

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

YouTube Tuesday!

This is where I spend all my time...hence the blog neglect.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love is in the air

G & I have never been big on valentine's day celebrations....oh who am I kidding. We have always celebrated! He would even drive down to San Diego no matter what day of the week it fell on just to bring me flowers and take me to diner. *swoon* But once we got married we stopped making such a big deal. i.e. no plans for tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

My friend Diana had this cool survey on her blog. I'm bored at work so I'll fill it out.

1. Where/how did you meet?
G & I met in high school. Freshman year we had English and History together. I actually didn't care for him when I met him. I later found out he was in love with me. I eventually got to know him better and started liking him. He apparently was over me. :( Sadness. I know. It wasn't till the beginning of our Sophmore year that my BFF at the time set us up. We started hanging out at lunch every day. One November day, at lunch, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said I would think about it. LOL. I got so much shit from my friends for saying that. So during our last period I was going to Tennis practice and he was going to Soccer practice and I yelled out his name, he turned around, and I said, "Yes!" He immediately knew what I meant and ran over to hug me. Cheesey!

2. How long have you known each other?
13.5 years

3. How long after you met did you start dating?
1 year

4. How long did you date before you were engaged?
9 years!

5. How long was your engagement?
1 year.

*Our 2 good friends came with us on this "Birthday" trip to NYC and made this pic for us.

6. How long have you been married?
2 years 2 months 19 days

7. What is your anniversary?
November 25th - The day we started dating. 10 years later, to the day, we got married. So our dating and wedding anniversary are the same day.

More cheese!

Engaged 11/4/05 - proposed atop the Empire State Building

8. How many people came to your wedding reception?

About 225. Too many, but we both have big ass families.

9. What kind of cake did you serve?

Chocolate with whipped cream I think. It was really good.

10. Where was your wedding?

Church - St. Elizabeth in Altadena
Reception - La Cañada Country Club

11. What did you serve for the meal?
Chicken is what we could afford. It was good though.

12. How many people were in your bridal party?
A crap load.

13. Are you still friends with them all?

Of course!

14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony?
Yes! He choked up during our vows! I was the one expected to cry and I didn't! I was too happy and relaxed to cry.

15. Most special moment of your wedding day?
Heading back to our wedding suite. We were finally married. Our first night together as husband and wife.

16. Any funny moments?
This isn't so much as funny as it is freakin' awesome. G is a huge Pearl Jam fan. So the DJ played "Even Flow" and our entire wedding party & friends & family danced in a huge mosh pit singing every word out loud. Funnest memory of the night.

17. Any big disasters?
Of course. But I had a great day-of wedding planner that took care of things. It just sucks that I people who you think want the best for you make you feel like shit on your wedding day.

18. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
ITALY! Gawd I want to go back. Florence to a teeny Tuscan B&B to Venice to Rome.

*Florence - our favorite city.

19. How long were you gone?

13 days. Definitely not enough.

20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change?
Smaller more intimate.

21. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Right. Use to be the left but these days its the right.

22. What size is your bed?
Cal King. We had a Full the first 1.5 yrs.

23. Greatest strength as a couple?
We are BFFs. We can talk about anything and everything.

24. Greatest challenge as a couple?

We are both hot heads with strong opinions.

25. Who literally pays the bills?
I do. And I'm kinda over it now.

26. What is your song?
It is now the song with first danced to.

27. What did you dance your first dance to?

John Legend - Stay with You

28. Describe your wedding dress.
Jasmine Couture

29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding?

30. Are your wedding bands engraved?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

YouTube Tuesday!

Thank you Darlene for having this on your blog. I *heart* me some TJs.

Song originally seen on

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dead to the world

Lately I have been so very sleepy all the damn time. When I first started working out I felt a new surge of energy and I didn't feel lazy anymore. It is great, except now I'm seriously sleepy by 7pm. Like eyes burn and everything. If I sit down at this time to read or watch TV I just pass out. I have been passing out every night for the 2 last weeks. even on the weekends!

I know that it's just the new way of life for me. A baby gets you pretty tired, now throw in working out. I guess it trips me out because I use to be a total night owl. Midnight was my bedtime...on a good day. Now I'm up by 8am every day [most days it's way earlier than that]. Pre-baby I was sleeping in till 11am! It's just such a change for me. But I'm surviving. Slowly becoming a morning person. I have to have my "happy face" on for baby.

Last night I stayed up to watch the Grammy's. G actually went to bed before me. I think I made it to 11ish and then woke up just after midnight...still on the couch. My Sunday paper horoscope was right! It was a late night! LOL.

I am taking some vitamins....but maybe I need to add another kind. G and I are sharing a jar of Centrum. We should probably get the Performance kind instead of the OG kind. Performance has more B-vitamins and ginseng. Any thoughts or tips?

One more thing - Saturday night I went to hear Ray Bradbury speak at the Sierra Madre Elementary auditorium. A, Rob, and Chris came along. This guy is OLD [89] and it was great to hear him talk about his book Fahreinheit 451. He has a great sense of humor. He kept stressing to "Do what you want and love what you do." Can't get better advice than that. He also said college was full of crap and libraries are all you need. Read! Read! Read! I love books, and libraries, and reading, and I hope to instill this in Andy.

Andy has enjoyed being read to since he was just a few weeks old. We keep a habit of reading to him nightly. His current favorite book is "Where the Wild Things Are." And I must say it's my fav too and I don't mind reading it night after night. In the middle of the book there are a few pages with no words, just pictures depicting the "wild rumpus" as Max calls it. I made my own little [wordless]tune for this section and Andy loves it! As soon as I turn the page he looks at me with this little grin like saying,"Here comes the music! I love this part, mommy." :-p Or at least that's what I think he's thinking. He just gets this big ole smile on his face. It melts my heart.

I do hope that this love for books continues to grow. I'm thinking of changing my "work from home" day to Tuesdays so that we can go to Storytime at our local Library in the mornings. It'd be nice for him to see other babies too.

Oh - we didn't get our book signed. They said only the first 100 people and there was a mad dash. His words have been imprinted into my brain and that is enough for me. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

YouTube Tuesday!

It's back!

I found this while I was "dicking around" on my computer.


Your Blog is Dead!

I just want to say thanks to all 4 of my faithful readers. You guys came back! Even though I had a long hiatus you stuck around. So thanks. And thank you to the few new readers - I hope you're not disappointed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

When I Grow Up

As I was saying on Twitter - growing up is a lot of work. Life has gotten so crazy with a baby thrown into the mix. Most days are jammed packed with things to do, places to go, schedules to establish/follow.

Let's take today for example.

Just before midnight we are awaken by the rain which was quickly followed by crazy lightening bolts that we were landing very close to our apt. It was scary loud with bright green flashes that made shy away from the light. Then the hail started to fall very hard against the windows. This kept me awake for a good half hour.

Then I wake up at 4am to feed Andy because he hardly ate the day before because his impending won't allow him. Thankfully by 440am with are both back to sleep.

At 6:09am my alarm goes off. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Finally at 6:50 I get up and quickly get dressed before Andy wakes up. At 7 he is awake and in need of a bottle. I feed him before we leave the house or he is a grouchy guy thru traffic on the way to my moms.

7:30am I put him in his car seat,I gather my bag and his bag and head downstairs to the car. On the way Andy decides to poop and then gets mad because he's sitting in it. 20min later we are at my moms changing a dirty diaper and trying to finish his bottle. I'm simultaneously drinking coffee and having breakfast.

850am - I've hung out for too long at my moms. Take off for work.

9-12:30pm - Work

During lunch I head to Rite Aid for some teething tablets for Andy hoping to give him so relief. I then head to my moms, say hi to Andy, have lunch, say hi to G as he arrives to pick up Andy, and then head back to work.

At 4:45pm I am bored outta my mind so I pack up and leave work.

I head to Target in search of some Pilates bands I need for my class tomorrow and other misc. items.

Then I hop on the freeway, get a bit of traffic, and make a stop at Toys R Us to get Andy the next level bottle nipples and other replacement parts for his Dr. Brown bottles. He needs the nipples to help him eat more. Sucking hard is hurting his impending tooth so he just gives up on the eating.

I then head to Trader Joes (thank god it's in the same parking lot) to pick up some veggies, fruit, and eggs.

Finally I'm home! Say hi to G and hold Andy for a moment. Then I put away the groceries and get started on dinner. While G finishes up dinner I put away some dishes, wash some dishes, and practice rolling over with Andy. We play until dinner is ready.

7:15pm - Andy sits in his highchair while we eat, but he is super tired and gets very fussy so I scarf down my dinner so I can get him to bed.

I change Andy's diaper, put on his PJs, read him his favorite book (Where The Wild Things Are - and if you saw how his face lights up you too would see it's his fav book), say goodnight to dad, give him his bottle, and he is passed out just before 8pm.

(G is getting a night off because he's getting sick - he usually helps more)

I then clean up the kitchen. Put away the clean dishes to make room for the dinner dishes I wash, make G some tea, boil some bottles and new parts, start typing this post on my phone, finish in the kitchen, get in bed to finish my post.

*now breath*sigh*

Yup. I don't even know what time it is now. I just want to go brush my teeth, wash my face, and come back to bed to read some of my Sookie book before I doze off. Most days are like this. Today isn't any kind of special. Other days I'm just trying to sneak in a workout or visiting a set of grandparents.

So you see. It's a lot of work. I ain't complaining - I'm just sayin'. I had no idea. But I wouldn't change a thing. I love my life.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Weigh In

Sundays, January 25, 2009 results:

Week 2 Loss: 2lbs
Total Loss: 4lbs
Pounds to go: 25lbs
This weeks challenges: Couldn't get any cardio in. Missed Saturday's training. Will make it up this week.
This weeks goals: Drink more water! I am so bad at this!

Yay! I'm not asking for anymore than this [2lbs/week]. I am eating better but totally not dieting. I still eat most everything. It really is about portion control. I am also looking forward to cardio being added to the next 3 weeks of Pilates. That should help.

I should also give a shout out to the hubs who has begun his own weight loss challenge. He lost EIGHT pounds his first week! He has really scaled back his calorie intake. Plus, he's a guy....I've said this before - all he has to do is think about losing weight and it happens. Hoping he has a great week 2 since it is tougher. :)

Friday, January 23, 2009


I've been learning new Photoshop skillz by surfing the web lately. I have so many pictures of Andy and I want to make them look semi-pro. I was very excited when a blog I frequent - Becoming Mom - decided to make a tutorial for her readers on tips for bringing the best out of your photos. After watching the first video I was able to do the following -


Pretty good for my first try, right? I was even using crappy Photoshop Elements. I know this picture could be better, but I'm happy for now. Can't wait to learn more! Check out Becoming Mom.

Oh Oh Oh wait! One more just for fun.




***Disclaimer: All photography credits belong to my assome brother.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Here are the Facts for my first weigh-in post. I will officially post this on Fridays since that's when I have been weighing in. Although I think I'm gonna change my weigh-in to Sunday. maybe I won't post again till Sunday. Here we go!

Total gained? 15lbs pregnancy + 15lbs miscarriage = 30lbs

Total lost so far? 13lbs [lost 20lbs 2mth postpartum & then gained some back :-\]

How much more to go? 17lbs for pre-p weight + 10 more = 27lbs

This week's successes? [weighing in on Sunday]

Ba humbug

Why can't I make time to blog? I really don't have an answer for that. I seem to have time...I just don't seem to want to blog. Not sure why if it was my favorite thing to do. And I have tons I could be talking/typing about. Sad. It's been 37 days since my last post. THIRTY SEVEN!!!! I guess having a baby really does change your priorities....I just didn't think not blogging would be up there.

So to kick start things I'll do one of my random thoughts posts:

- 1st time I have every felt so proud/emotional/hopeful about a new President. I think seeing so many Americans feel this way too and come together makes my feeling even stronger. How can you not be hopeful?

- I feel super excited to think of how much hope Obama brings for us [Latino's] and all American citizens from immigrant parents. How much more real is the idea of a Latino President or an Asian President. I get emotional thinking about Andy having just as much a chance of becoming President some day....because he will.

- Politics aside....I am trying to get healthy this year. Pregnancy throws a serious curve ball at your body and I am slowly learning that it'll never be the same again. It will take some serious hard work on my end to get back to a comfortable size. I am prepared for the challenge.

- I have begun training for the Mt. Wilson Trail Run. You guys thought I wouldn't didn't you? Sure I barely survived week 1 of training, but that alone makes me want to push harder. I must say it is insanely hard to train when all I want to do is spend every free moment with Andy. Week 1 was truly hard on that front. I saw Andy for a total of 4 hours that entire week and felt like the worst mom/wife in the world. This week has been way better. I am making it work!

- I will be posting here any weight changes and/or inches lost. I want to go public so that I can stick to it. Next post will be for that.

- Andy is growing big and strong. He'll be 6 months this coming Tuesday and it boggles my mind to think he is halfway done with his 1st year.

Enough! I'll save some for tomorrow! [promise/pinky swear]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gee Family

Garcia Family
Originally uploaded by 2xistrob
Here's a preview of our 2009 Holiday card [Just the picture...I designed a layout for it]! Could you be one of the few lucky recipients? Maybe!

Thank you Rob for the last minute photo session. I can't believe Andy smiled in 95% of the pictures. He loves you!