Thursday, August 30, 2007

August in Review

I just realized it's been over a week since my last post. My apologies. But I promise...I have a good excuse.

August 2007 hasn't been the best month for me. Well...for me and the hubby. This month has been filled with extreme highs and extreme lows. I don't need to get into everything, but since this is my place to post my thoughts...I will share now. I was afraid of opening myself up so much to the public and being left vulnerable. But now that things are said and done I can post a piece of me that's a bit more personal.

So here's the abridged version.

In mid July, G and I found out we would soon be becoming 3. I was pregnant. Fast forward to my first prenatal appt. in August. We come to find out I was miscarrying. There hadn't been much growth and no baby could be detected in the ultrasound. In the end this came to be medically referred to as a blighted ovum. The pregnancy stopped around the 3rd or 4th week. But G & I spent 8 weeks living life like I was pregnant. We bought all the books, began to look forward to our new future, and even told a few close relatives and friends. It was a big blow. We were suddenly vaulted from being extremely happy to the extreme sadness associated with grieving a loss. The last 3 weeks have been emotionally draining. From more blood tests and doctors appt's to figure out of it was a loss, to finally going to the hospital [this Monday at what would have been 10 weeks of pregnancy] and having outpatient surgery to clean out my uterus. Life threw us a curve ball when I unexpectedly became pregnant. But we embraced it like a planned pregnancy. And then the 2nd curve ball....taking everything away.

Such a loss is something you have to go thru to know just how hard it is. We spent the month secretly grieving and putting on a happy face to the rest of the world. I constantly wanted to post about all this. So I ended up making a private blog that I named baby Geefunk. This blog has become my therapy. The blog starts at the beginning and I continue to update it. Feel free to browse some of my posts if you'd like more in depth details as to what has happened.

At this point I am only hoping for an easier September. One filled with more good times than bad times. I thought posting would be a good idea since I have found that blogs that post about such events have really helped me thru. So I can only hope to someday help someone else that is going through the same thing. It's tough...and sometimes it's too much to get through on your own. Everything that has happened to date has thrown my head for a loop and I've felt like I've been having an out of body experience. I can't seem to focus on much these days. I'm really hoping that September brings m brain back and I can get my shit together again.

So a day early, I raise my glass to September. Bring me a good month. I need a break.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Effing Video

Apparently the video I posted yesterday no longer works. Asswipes. I guess I'll go ahead and post another today since I happen to come across 2 interesting video's. Happy Hump Day.

The first is a hacked Super Mario Bro.'s level that can only be passed if you DO NOT touch your keypad. CRAZY! Is it sad I was tense will watching the video [thinking it wasn't gonna work]?

The next video shows the skills a kid has playing his violin. I think this is really cool, especially towards the end. Reminds me of that chick that has played with Kanye West, but never made it far on her own. - Watch more free videos

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

YouTube Tuesday

I had a hard time finding something to post today. I usually have a nice collection of video's on reserve, but for some reason none seems appealing today. So anyway....I cam across a preview of Kanye West's new album. He previewed 2 tracks on a radio show. Check it out if you're a fan, cause you know I'm a huge fan.

[I'll have to show ya'll my Kanye autograph that my BFF Mario got for me when he spotted Kanye at a Pasadena Target. Personalized to "geefunk" and everything. Kanye is a cool cat.]

Monday, August 20, 2007


Get ready for another hot day party people. August is the dreaded hottest month. Let's get to the rundown.

I had a lovely relaxing evening with some good peeps and hitting the bottle. The wine bottle that is. It had been too long since I had a drink. But before the we had a great dinner at Ichima [had been almost 50 days since I had sushi!]. Obviously Friday was a day of getting back to my usual activities.

After a really late night, G and I ended up passing out at my mom's empty air conditioned house. G had to work early and I stayed around since I had my own car. Went home around 1pm to get ready for a BBQ at the Gerlach residence. Was really dreading going to my apt. on the equator to shower. Too fucken hot in that place. and our lame ass wall A/C does shit in terms of cooling. But I made it worked. My friend M picked me up and we headed to A's house for a bit of a "catching up" pre-party. A & I hadn't seen M in forever! Once it was cool enough to stay outside for more than 3 minutes, we then headed over to the BBQ. More good times were had with great tacos and beer. [I should really start taking pictures]

Recovery day. The hubs and I headed to Denny's for breakfast. Another place we hadn't been to in forever! The place we go to got a face lift, which we liked. Pancakes still tastes great. We then spent the afternoon at my moms seeing vacation pics [they just returned from Ixtapa, MX] and hearing stories that made me jealous I opted out of the family vacation this year. Who doesn't want to hang out in a presidential suite with this view for a whole week? Already planing to join them next year. It was then off to a BBQ at my cousin's house where I overloaded on chips & dip [something else I had been deprived off and regret eating again].

A few of us then headed out to see the 9pm showing of Superbad, which was super good [that was lame...i know]. We were all cracking up outloud thru most of the movie. I feel that the first half was really good and funny. Got slow for a bit and then picked up again. Lot's of great jokes.

Cheers to great week ahead! I know I'll have a slightly better one since the boss man is on vacay for the week! Woot woot!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mermaids Smoking Seaweed

I can't decide if I like the new HBO series "Flight of the Conchords." But I can't get this mermaid song outta my head! Have a listen -

In other news - my obsession with cupcakes continues. I found a new toy that I need to go buy ASAP! It's a 2-part cake pan that makes a cake in the shape of a cupcake! I fucken love this thing.

You want it too? Get it at Sur La Table.

Happy friday party people. I hope to have a not too rough weekend and I hope to attend a much need bbq with some friends. Stay cool!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Been going through a lot of crappy shit. Will be sharing in the coming days. But for now check out my new layout. I have been wanting a 3 column layout since the beginning. Let me know what you all think.

Monday, August 13, 2007


My head hurts and I'm home sick. ['m actually at my moms hijacking the A/C since they're on vacay.] I therefore have nothing interesting to say today. I had a ruff weekend that consisted of me and a bed. Not as fun as it sounds. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the premiere of The Hills tonight.

But tomorrow is You Tube Tuesday so you can count on something interesting then.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Seattle Pictures

I've uploaded our pictures to my Flickr account. Feel free to click on the badge below to check em out. It's way too many to post on the blog.

Have I told you...lately...that I love you....

Oh John I heart thee....

John Mayer Sings Chocolate Rain

Posted Aug 03, 2007

John Mayer drops by the Best Week Ever studio to give a heartfelt rendition of his new favorite song.

I'm sure by now you have all heard the You Tube video that has become an overnight hit. Tay Zonday's "Chocolate Rain" has even been on featured on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Of course KROQ was on his jock this morning and led me to the wonderful John Mayer Remix. Click here to see the original.

You Tube Tuesday - on a Friday

Happy Friday Bitches! The weekend is once again upon us. I'm happy that this was the shortest work week ever! Woot woot! No crazy plans. Just taking it easy and cleaning up since we were on vacay. Tomorrow morning I'm driving the parentals to the airport. Lucky asses are leaving for a week to Ixtapa, Mexico. Wish I was going to chill on a beach for a week. Oh well....

Since I was on vacay Tuesday and didn't have a chance to post a video, I'll do so today. Enjoy and pass it on!

Side note - I am so addicted to these types of shows! I love watching the Most Extreme Elimination Challenge [now called MXC]. Best show ever!!!! I think it still airs on Spike TV. Check it out if you're ever looking for something to watch Saturday afternoons.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I'm back!

Not so excited to be back at work today, but happy that I had an extra day off to relax before heading back. I headed over to my cousin Jessica's pool with my sister. Very relaxing afternoon. I felt sorta crappy our last day in Seattle. Thought I was getting sick. Actually felt really shitty on the plane ride back, but I'm feeling much better after lots of R&R yesterday. I don't think my boss would appreciate me taking sick time after vacation.

I'll be posting a Seattle recap later today along with pictures. It's gonna take a while though, so it might not be up till tomorrow. In the meantime check out the pic of me in front of mecca a.k.a. the very first Starbucks EVER! LOL. Didn't actually buy anything there as it was packed like sardines. I just posed like a loser tourist. Whatever....i <2 style="font-weight: bold;">S family. Fun times in a beautiful state. AND we got great weather too. It was gloomy with some rain the day we left, but it was nice to cool down before heading back to this heat. I hear next week is gonna reach into the 100's again! Ouch!

In the meantime the in between time....let me tell you why i heart Pearl Jam so much. Actually, I just show you.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Seattle Check In

We're in Seattle - visiting my cousin V & family! Just wanted to take a minute to let you party people know that I won't be updating until I return to work on Thursday. BUT....fear won't have to wait until then to hear about all the great things we'll be doing. I will be sending updates to my Twitter [in the left hand column there] so feel free to check back and see what's on my Twitter.

Quick Seattle update - We got in late last night. Smooth quick flight. Weather is perfect! For us....since it's a very welcomed break from the the Cali heat! A bit overcast today but so far no chances of rain...but's Seattle so there doesn't have to be chances for it to rain. Wish us luck that the rain stays away till we leave! What's on the agenda so far? Dinner at the Space Needle tonight [my cousin's husband is the executive chef there] & a day of baseball tomorrow with the Mariners taking on The Red Sox [with tons of other activities in between]. I'll have tons of pictures to share when we get back.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Personality Type


Click to view my Personality Profile page

According to the site:
ISTPs are adventurous and independent. They like to figure out how things work. They have great mechanical and technical skills. They live in the "here and now" which makes them adaptable and spontaneous. They like to keep busy and are action-oriented. ISTPs thrive on new and exciting situations.

It also says that as an ISTP my primary function is introverted thinking. I feel that this is true now. In the last few years I have definitely become more introverted and less extroverted. I don't like to go out and spend time making new friends or trying to keep old friendships alive. If it happens, good....if not then fine. I rather focus on the people in my life now. As far as the whole "adventurous and independent," I must say it's true....but something else that is diminishing with time and I am holding onto with all my might. I don't know about the "action-oriented." More like I wish....I'm sorta boring these days.

I also took the Multiple Intelligences test, and I must agree with this one. I love all things musical and hate math with a passion. lol

Interesting to find this stuff out. But let me tell you....some internet test isn't gonna run my life now. Take you're own test here.