Friday, May 2, 2008

Stomach Virus?

I think I'm getting sick, but I'm not really sure. I woke up with a huge stomach ache this morning. It is now 12:10pm and it hurts just as much. I came to work around 9:30am because I don't want to use up my sick time now. I'm trying to save it for when I go on maternity leave. But I think I'm gonna go home. Plus, everyone at work is sick with something and I can't afford to really get sick right now. I've also been able to eat and my stomach hurts no more and no less than it did before eating. So I don't know what the deal is. All I know is I gotta stay hydrated.

Another reason I don't want to get sick is because I have my cousin's Confirmation tomorrow. I must be 100% for her. I still gotta go out today to find something to wear and get her gift. Already sounds like a long day. :( But G is off today so hopefully he'll be willing to play driver.

Have a good weekend everyone! Wait! Hahahaha...I have to blog on the weekends this month! I almost forgot. Well happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The flu sucks

I've been home...sick with the flu. Sucks ass. I can't really think of anything to write, but I wasn't sure when I'd be able to get onthe internet again. I might not be posting till Monday. Sorry folks. Hope I get better soon because I have a busy weekend.

Stay Healthy!