Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I covet thee home wireless internet.....

I sure do miss the days when our neighbors had wireless internet and no firewall. Free internet....those were the days. Both the hubby and I decided that we would forgo internet in an effort to save money. I have it all day at work and do no work, so I didn't think I'd miss it at home. It was a blessing in disguise when we discovered multiple wireless signals in or apartment [high-five for airport]. But then summer rolled around and our last non-firewall signal disappeared. New neighbors moved in and that was the end of free wireless at home. Le sigh.

These days....with the blog and all....i sure do miss internet at home. Sometimes, like today, work doesn't allow me the time to post. I sit here all day wishing for a moment to collect my thoughts and post. Same thing happened yesterday. I didn't get a chance to post and as soon as I left I had some great topics to write about. I sat in my car, at the Lake Ave freeway on ramp, and went through the entire post in my head. I thought that I'd write it all down when i got home and post it today. Sure enough, that didn't happen. Once I made it onto the freeway my brain was taken over by other bubbles of thought waiting for their chance.

Today, I finally get this moment to blog - just before the clock strikes four and the bars are lifted off my fluorescent lit cell [because we all know work is like prison....without the satellite TV]. But I hate it when I end up venting about not blogging, instead of seizing the moment. Well if I can't complain here, then where can I?

Now go watch this commercial and laugh as I did this morning.