Friday, October 10, 2008

Drunk blogging at 5:38pm


Feels like i'm on a boat. hmmm...

Why did I just take that tequila shot? I swore it off years ago. *chugging New Castle*

Grandparents aren't doing well. I'm tired. Alcohol feels good. No I Don't have PPD.

I didn't take the shot alone. Mike and Ryan joined me.

Abuelitas heart is growing weak.

Papa Lupe broke his leg while en route to see Abuelita...or maybe it was his hip. Still waiting for an update.

My mom was bawling this morning (grandparents on mom's side). I could barely keep it together. But honestly, once we hung up I lost it. I've always been close to my grandparents. Even though they live in Mexico. Especially my grandma who took care of me throughout my childhood. They have always been so strong. It's hard to believe age has finally caught up. Old people getting old. Sucks. You know it's only a matter of time, but it's hard to accept.

I was telling G that I'm the type of person that feels the pain of others. That's why i'm so emotional and cry with movies and TV and when things happen to my "online friends". I put myself in "their" place. I feel my mom's pain. To be so worried about one parent and then BOOM the other parent suffers an injury. How do you deal?

I won't be selfish and ask for a lifetime. But the holidays are around the corner...maybe just one more.


gee said...

Oh gee I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents. I know how you feel. When my grandma fell ill I was really hoping that the holiday past first then anything. I'm so a cry baby for everything so if you need someone to cry with you can count on me.

diana said...

Your grandparents will be in my prayers. Old people make me so sad. I know it's inevitable (for all of us) but, it still hurts to imagine life without loved ones. I hope he recuperates!

Angelica said...

This sounds very hard. For all of you. Please know that I'm thinking of you.