Monday, December 8, 2008

Almost 1 month ago...

I wrote my last post! :-O I know...sorry.

I don't want to leave you all high and dry. I know there are still a *few* faithful readers that check in every day in hopes of a new post. Although I don't have the will-power to write a full post today, I will do one of those random listings of my life. I know those can be entertaining to.

So until I get motivated to write for reals....

- I love the cold weather! I wish it were colder ALL the time. I also want it to rain a lot more. Although I must admit that I cannot enjoy these things as much now that I have a baby to worry about. I now worry about him being cold or having to take him out in the rain.

- I really really want to go to Disneyland before January 4th. I Love this time of year there. Starting with Halloween. The Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion. LOVE IT. But I know...we won't make it there this year. I'm gonna save my nickles and dimes to buy a yearly pass when Andy is old enough to enjoy it.

- Speaking of Christmas, *hopefully* we'll go buy our tree tomorrow and do some decorating. Looking forward to it. Although I do get a little sad when I think about the empty space that will be underneath the tree. Not many gifts being bought this year.

- I wish I had the time, energy, and money to throw another holiday party this year. I love having people over.

- Heroes tonight. Which reminds me, there was a Storm Chasers marathon last night and they are ALL on my dvr! G wasn't too happy about that. Must make time to watch some.

- Just took a 15min break from writing this to sort thru my junk mail and shred it.

- I keep thinking that I want to play Blockles.

- Looking forward to breakfast next week with Diana.

- Also looking forward to Leslie's 4th Annual Christmas Tea gift exchange on the 20th. Haven't seen this girl in many many months. Have absolutely no clue what cool non-generic gift I will buy her. Been sucking real bad at gift giving lately.

- For some crazy reason I am beginning to look forward to training for Mt. Wilson Trail Run. We start in January. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that Andy is 4 months and I haven't lost much weight. My clothes still don't fit right and it's pretty damn depressing. I'm also looking forward to signing up for pilates [next week] at the Arcadia Rec Center with an awesome instructor I had at 24hr Fitness a few years back. Classes Start in January! This should all get my weight loss efforts going again.

- Also depressing is not having very many shoes to wear. Especially now that it's getting cold and I really only have sandals that fit. Don't exactly have tons of money laying around to spend. Like my brother said, maybe I should make a trip to Payless and Ross. Sometimes you can find some cute cheap stuff. Maybe....I don't know.

- I have a problem. since I started this post I have refreshed Twitter 5 times! Why don't people update???

Ok enough. This is like my brain just threw up into this post. Let's save some for a rainy day.


diana said...

Looking forward to next week, too! And, I check my google reader every day for your posts... : )

Angelica said...

- Love the cool crisp clear days, not so much the cold, drabby rain filled days.

- Me too! I think I can ask J to see if she can "lend" you her annual passes for a day.

- Dude just wrap empty boxes! I'm serious, its about the look!

- Ooooh, that sounds fun. Make it a pot luck! Come on, do it. Everyone bring something and BYOB. I'll help you plan!

- Wish DVR's had no space limits.

- Must shred tomorrow all the crap that's in my bag.

- What's that?

- Looking forward to breakfast after Mt. Wislon training.

- Can't wait for tomorrow's gift exchange at work.

- WooHoo!!!!

- Me too, me too :'(

- I need to Twitter more often.

geefunk said...

deeahnah - promise to post more! And I'm still deciding on a kid friendly breakfast spot that's cool too.

hmmm -Yes ask J! Maybe she has like some extra passes. That's how we went last time. G's boss gave us her extra passes that they mail to yearly pass members.
- And blockles is a suer addicting game over at
- And yes! Chocolate chip pancakes after training!
- An yes! You need to Twitter more often.

Anonymous said...

ive been going to john mayers website alot lately and i thought of u when i saw a few things he been posting on his blog. check it out. their pretty awesome. just click on blog section.