Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Yeah - give the Oscar to Daniel now. There Will Be Blood was a great film. I can't believe it was the first film I had seen this year!!! So sad. I don't get out much these days. Hoping that'll change so that I can have more to blog about!

I little update on the baby front [since I only talk about it on my baby blog] - everything is going great. I'm almost 17 weeks [4 months] and you can totally tell I'm pregnant now. I mean, I'm not huge or anything, but I don't just look fat anymore. :) I can't believe how fast this is all going by. As far as the sex of this baby, well....we haven't scheduled that appointment yet, but I think we will be finding out. So i'll make sure to post when we do. Probably some time next month.