WTF man. What is up with old people retiring and then getting bored and meddling in other peoples jobs? What The Fuck? This bullshit is seriously starting to piss me off. All these damn people retire and then one day wake up bored out of their minds and decide to call up old friends and colleagues to convince them that they need to be hired part-time to do some bullshit job that isn't necessary and only wastes money that I could use in a raise like every other normal working human. And then my boss goes and cries about not enough money in our budget to get shit done. RETIRED PEOPLE NEED TO STAY RETIRED!!!
wait....what in the name of.....this bitch is sitting at her pretend desk whispering secrets!!! Already?? Just because I put on headphones doesn't mean I can't hear anything!!! O-M-G. I'm gone for a month and the shit falls apart. These damn wannabe retired folks think they have my boss wrapped around their little finger. And they probably do!! That's the saddest part. He is such a push over. His heart is way too big. Argh this place is pissing me off. And here I was thinking I missed work. This is only reminding me of how bad I need to get back on track with a career. I didn't graduate college for nothing. I'm wasting my time here. Nothing new.
So pissed. Must calm down. Must walk out of here.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Retired people need to stay retired!!!
Labels: work
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I don't feel like blogging. I have no funny video to post. I wish I was going to the Lakers game with G tonight. :( At least I'm not nauseous.
Monday, January 28, 2008
In Love...
...with my new lip gloss!! It's the Mentha Lip Tint No.1136 from Co Bigelow Apothecaries - sold at Bath & Body Works. My sister gave me one and I was instantly hooked! I am weary of new lip gloss since they usually just dry out my lips. But this is the best of
both all 3 worlds! Not only does it moisturize my lips, but it also has a soft pink tint that is perfect for all day wear and not too noticeable. AND on top of that it's mint-infused for fresh breath! I have to stop myself from licking it off. And when it does wear off, my lips don't chap or flake!!! This is the best shit ever! So it sells for $7.50 and this weekend B&BW had it on sale for $2!!!! So I bought 4 more! Had to stock up. The crazy part is that ever since I got this I have not used my Carmex once [except before bed]!
I had a pretty good weekend. The highlight [sadly] was yesterdays brunch at the Cheesecake Factory with G. My boss gave me a $50 gift card to this joint. Sadly, I couldn't eat my breakfast because it instantly gave me heartburn. So I had the poached eggs that it was topped with [cleaned off the sauce] potatoes and G's english muffin. We then had the Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake. It was soooo damn good. I really enjoyed it. I was thisclose to regretting my pick because the Godiva Cheesecake looked so good, but my pick did not disappoint. The Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake had a bottom layers of rich brownie, then Kahlua Cheesecake, followed buy creamy chocolate mousse and Chocolate Ganache. I was afraid it would be too rich, but it so wasn't. It was a real treat since we rarely indulge in dessert.
Last night we were at my parent's house [i seem to be spending A LOT of time there] and my brother connected his laptop to the TV and we proceeded to watch an illegal version of the movie Gone Baby, Gone from the internet. It was very high quality - it looked damn good on the HD tv set. The reason I am confessing to watching movies online illegally is because this movie was so good, we all felt like mailing Ben Affleck our $10. I felt guilty. :(
Friday, January 25, 2008
It's Friday Bitches
I'm happy...
it's Friday
it's raining
to be at work [shocker]
to be driving my car again
to be back online
to be blogging
to not be nauseous
to not have heartburn
to not gag at restaurants
that decaf coffee tastes just like it's better counterpart
to finally have a "thumbs up" smiley on yahoo messenger
Have a good weekend everyone!
And because I miss "YouTube Tuesday" too, here's a little something to make you smile.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Work it out
So I'm finally back at work! Today is my first day back. I'll only be doing half day today and tomorrow, but a full day Friday. I decided that today would be a sort of spring cleaning day for my desk. A lot of sorting out from last year. So far I've been here 3 hours and have only cleaned out my email inbox. Oh well, what else is new. Shouldn't really expect to get much work done the first day back. Plus, I'm more interested in catching up on my internet surfing. Again, what else is new? ;)
In other news, the fact that I'm back at works means that things in the fetus department are progressing nicely. G & I got one of those home doppler's to hear the fetal heart beat. We tried it out this morning and after much searching we found! So all is good.
Here's hoping I'm back to normal blogging!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
When life hands you lemons... make lemonade...right? Well that's exactly what G and I have done. Except it's more like we have made our own lemon...little lemon....little as in baby lemon. Are you catching my drift? Of course most of those who are related to us already knew this. But my blog has taking a toll because of this. I wasn't ready to share with the world that come August we will be parents. But I am now.
It's been a tough month. I've been on bed rest for a little over a month. I was without internet and nothing special to blog about. All I kept thinking about was if this baby was gonna stick. But now that we know it is sticking and growing, and that I will soon return to work - I can return to my regular blogging duties.
I won't write out a long post about our journey thus far. That's what the baby blog is for. So if you're interested in reading about that, head on over to Making Baby Geefunk and read all about it.
Thanks to those that stuck around and have been an assome support system to us. We greatly appreciate it!!
Note: as far as work goes...i hope to return some time at the end of next week. So don't expect much blogging till then. Cross your fingers. :)
Labels: babies, family, married life
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
keep on trucking...
Ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place? Many of us have, and the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008 has put me in that place - as far as the blogging world is concerned. I do hope that my loyal readers haven't given up on me. But life has thrown me a curve ball, so I have stopped to play catch for a while. Promise to be back at full blogging capacity sooner than later. Stay with me folks....