Monday, March 10, 2008


This is great....I mean...wrong. LOL

Speaking of Jesus - have you all heard the new sins added to the list by the Vatican? No? Well pollution is now a sin [or "ecological" offenses]. Serio. Sounds like the Vatican is jumping on the bandwagon and going "green." But the one that I find interesting is this one - being filthy rich is now a sin [falls under "economic injustices"]. Guess I'll never have a problem there. But I find this quite interesting. I mean, isn't the Vatican the richest country in the world??? I was there last year and our tour guide made sure to point that fact out. So what does this say? [A LOT] What do you think?

Click here for the list.


Angelica said...

You know my feelings on the church and all. I too have always wondered about the "filthy rich" peeps out there. Seems so unfair to be able to by $x,xxx shoes while people don't even break a grand in other countries for a whole year.

diana said...

I think its ridiculous! I mean, how can they decide what's a sin? Isn't that what the Bible is for? Weird!

Unknown said...

I was going to mention how filthy rich the Catholic church is but you covered that too. This is why I don't like organized religion. I thought God decided right and wrong.