Friday, April 25, 2008


I've been wanting to blog for a long time. I mean my last post was over a week ago. Time is short these days, and when I do have time I don't really want to spend it thinking about a post. I thought that having a blackberry would allow me to post more and want to post more, but it hasn't worked that way, unfortunately. This pregnancy shizz has just got me so tired all the time. So I apologize my peeps. Not even my Baby Blog has received any love. :(

I have a plan for the month of May. To post every day! Can you imagine that? A whole entire 31 days of posting. I'm scared, but I really think this will help me get back into it. So get ready folks!

I'll leave this short as I am starving! I need a snack.

BTW - I plan to attend the Festival of Books @ UCLA tomorrow with my friend A. If you have nothing planned for this beautiful Saturday afternoon you should totally check it out!

***For those of you that do not read my baby blog here's a quickie update.
How far? 26 weeks! [6.5 months]
Complaints? I cant remember shit! Pregnancy brain is NOT an urban legend. Also, legs cramps have begun. This SUCKS to wake up to when you can barely reach your legs.
Love? Feeling our little man move all day! We can now feeling him wiggling around inside with our hands [not just sporadic kicks]. It's the coolest weirdest feeling ever. And I'm really getting use to my growing belly. I love it! I don't even notice my gigantic boobs anymore! :-p