Monday, April 28, 2008


This weekend was pretty chill. Friday we had dinner at my parents house [yummy sopes!] and then had "the guys" over for a Wii game night. Our friend Mike brought over his Wii and we played bowling, tennis, and golf. Wii is so much damn fun. I want one so bad, but we really can't afford it right now. I thought about adding it to our baby registry, but I got the stink eye from G. :( I was able to stay up till 12am! I guess it was because I was busy, otherwise I tend to crash way earlier.

Saturday I was all alone as G had to work 8-5pm. I made myself the most bangin' french toast using Trader Joe's Cinnamon Swirl Bread. OMG! Soooo good! Everyone must try this sometime. I had 2 giant pieces. i was only missing some fresh strawberries and powdered sugar to top it with! MMmmmmm...sugar. After watching some Food Network TV, I got my lazy ass up to get ready for the Festival of Books @ UCLA. I went with A and her mom. After struggling thru bad LA traffic, we finally made it around 2:30pm. Might've been closer to 3pm. But it was so damn hot on Saturday that by 4:30pm we were done! The festival was cool. Tons and Tons of tents with all kinds of books. Each tent has a specific topic. We even got a free English Qur'an, study bible, and Buddhism guides. :) I'm all about learning new things.

I did buy a couple of books, however, both A and I thought there would be way more discounts on books. Most stuff was full price unless you went to a specialty tent that was selling random books for about half off. Any how, I bought the cutest children's book - "Abuelita Full of Life/Abuelita Llena de Vida" by Amy Costales. It is a bilingual book and it is beautifully illustrated. This one was full price, but the author was there and she signed the book. She was totally cool too. She told me the stories behind her books. She has 2 other books and is working on her 4th. I plan to get her other book "Hello Night, Hola Noche."

I am starting to build our baby library. I have tons of books, but my focus is totally shifting on to our baby. I want him to have all the classics that I grew up reading, plus some new ones. Especially these bilingual books, since we plan on teaching him Spanish first and then English.

At one of the discount tents where all paperbacks were $7.50 I bought 2 books I've been wanting to read. "Paula" by Isabel Allende and "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova. I wanted to and should have bought more, but my stack of books to read is getting too high.

That night we had a carne asada dinner at my father-in-law's house. Good times.

Sunday G worked till 1pm. I made more french toast [:))] and had a lazy afternoon. G and I had a late lunch at Tops. It was so hot! We drove by a few perspective apartments. I really liked one of them. Really nice, gated, and even though it's 3 stories it has an elevator [Big plus with a baby], and I think it's 11oos q ft. But we would also have to pay around $275 more per month for this place. Rent is not cheap in Pasadena! We want to move into a 2 bedroom before baby arrives. And a house is so not an option for us right now. Sad, but true.

We topped of the day by not making it to the 5pm mass and instead making some crab ceviche for dinner. It was too hot to make hot food. I also made myself some frozen virgin strawberry margaritas. So good! We watched A Scanner Darkly on Cinemax OnDemand. Weird movie, but interesting.

Nice weekend overall.

So is everyone ready for the Lakers to make their sweep today?!? Bring out the brooms!


diana said...

OMG..I have SO much to comment on this post! If my dumb job lets me, I will send you an e-mail tonight!

Love, D

P.S. More tummy pics, please!

ayemgee said...

#1 no stack of books is ever too high..=]
#2 you missed out on the slide show i made 2 sundays ago..unless u were at mass and i didnt see u...?

geefunk said...

I know about the tummy pics! I have to keep taking them. I haven't anymore.

Ana - I totally forgot I was suppose to go to the 5pm mass. I thought the slide show was the next Sunday. My bad.