Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ba humbug

Why can't I make time to blog? I really don't have an answer for that. I seem to have time...I just don't seem to want to blog. Not sure why if it was my favorite thing to do. And I have tons I could be talking/typing about. Sad. It's been 37 days since my last post. THIRTY SEVEN!!!! I guess having a baby really does change your priorities....I just didn't think not blogging would be up there.

So to kick start things I'll do one of my random thoughts posts:

- 1st time I have every felt so proud/emotional/hopeful about a new President. I think seeing so many Americans feel this way too and come together makes my feeling even stronger. How can you not be hopeful?

- I feel super excited to think of how much hope Obama brings for us [Latino's] and all American citizens from immigrant parents. How much more real is the idea of a Latino President or an Asian President. I get emotional thinking about Andy having just as much a chance of becoming President some day....because he will.

- Politics aside....I am trying to get healthy this year. Pregnancy throws a serious curve ball at your body and I am slowly learning that it'll never be the same again. It will take some serious hard work on my end to get back to a comfortable size. I am prepared for the challenge.

- I have begun training for the Mt. Wilson Trail Run. You guys thought I wouldn't didn't you? Sure I barely survived week 1 of training, but that alone makes me want to push harder. I must say it is insanely hard to train when all I want to do is spend every free moment with Andy. Week 1 was truly hard on that front. I saw Andy for a total of 4 hours that entire week and felt like the worst mom/wife in the world. This week has been way better. I am making it work!

- I will be posting here any weight changes and/or inches lost. I want to go public so that I can stick to it. Next post will be for that.

- Andy is growing big and strong. He'll be 6 months this coming Tuesday and it boggles my mind to think he is halfway done with his 1st year.

Enough! I'll save some for tomorrow! [promise/pinky swear]


Angelica said...

It's hard changing, period. No matter what, change is never easy and fun. I'm sure you'll endure ups and downs but always remember that the change you're talking about will be for the best in the end. On all fronts.

You know that you have a group of people here at your disposal for anything that you may need.

diana said...

Please, please come back to blogging. :)