Monday, August 20, 2007


Get ready for another hot day party people. August is the dreaded hottest month. Let's get to the rundown.

I had a lovely relaxing evening with some good peeps and hitting the bottle. The wine bottle that is. It had been too long since I had a drink. But before the we had a great dinner at Ichima [had been almost 50 days since I had sushi!]. Obviously Friday was a day of getting back to my usual activities.

After a really late night, G and I ended up passing out at my mom's empty air conditioned house. G had to work early and I stayed around since I had my own car. Went home around 1pm to get ready for a BBQ at the Gerlach residence. Was really dreading going to my apt. on the equator to shower. Too fucken hot in that place. and our lame ass wall A/C does shit in terms of cooling. But I made it worked. My friend M picked me up and we headed to A's house for a bit of a "catching up" pre-party. A & I hadn't seen M in forever! Once it was cool enough to stay outside for more than 3 minutes, we then headed over to the BBQ. More good times were had with great tacos and beer. [I should really start taking pictures]

Recovery day. The hubs and I headed to Denny's for breakfast. Another place we hadn't been to in forever! The place we go to got a face lift, which we liked. Pancakes still tastes great. We then spent the afternoon at my moms seeing vacation pics [they just returned from Ixtapa, MX] and hearing stories that made me jealous I opted out of the family vacation this year. Who doesn't want to hang out in a presidential suite with this view for a whole week? Already planing to join them next year. It was then off to a BBQ at my cousin's house where I overloaded on chips & dip [something else I had been deprived off and regret eating again].

A few of us then headed out to see the 9pm showing of Superbad, which was super good [that was lame...i know]. We were all cracking up outloud thru most of the movie. I feel that the first half was really good and funny. Got slow for a bit and then picked up again. Lot's of great jokes.

Cheers to great week ahead! I know I'll have a slightly better one since the boss man is on vacay for the week! Woot woot!