Since everyone is talking about the dumbass Shaq video...I'll spare you all. Enjoy this one instead.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
YouTube Tuesday
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
YouTube Tuesday
That'll teach this guy to try and take a cap on the side of the road!
Labels: hi-larious, videos
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
A quick shout out to all the father's today. Hope it's a good day for all of you.
My dad: the funniest dad ever. He's funny without trying and no one ever tires of his jokes. He has been thru everything with us and with nothing more than open arms. You never need more from him. He puts his family first and yet manages to succeed in all aspects of life. May your smile never fade from your face dad. :)
My father-in-law: another funny guy with a huge heart. From the first day he met me he has treated me like a daughter. I always feel warm and welcomed in his home. And now, G and I are about to make him a grandpa for the first time. You can't find a soon-to-be-grandpa that is more excited than him.
And to very special soon-to-be-dad: My husband G. Seeing your face light up with joy every time you feel our baby move in my belly fills me with the greatest warmth and joy. Everyone can see how much kids love and you love them. There is no doubt you will be an amazing father. I knew this from our first year of dating even though we were still in high school. Can't wait to see your face when our baby makes his grand entrance! I love you!
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Step on a crack break your momma's back
Not to beat a dead horse, but WTF LAKERS:?????
'nough said.
I'm really beginning to think that it's mine and G's fault that they lost. We have watched every single game at our apartment [along with the usual suspects of Rob, Chris, Mike, and sometimes Ryan & Hector] except for 3 games. What 3 games? The 3 these bitches have lost! [The one they lost to San Antonio - yeah we were at a Dodger game]. It really blows that our Lamaze class is on Thursday, but what can we do? For $90 I ain't skipping!
Speaking of Lamaze, G is really enjoying it. He feels he's learning a lot which is good since this class was for him more than me. He is gonna be my coach after all. But this is also making me consider a natural birth. AKA drug FREE. I know....I'm crazy....but they make it sound so easy! We'll see because I'm totally not opposed to drugs. I'm all for it! I'll elaborate more on this on my baby blog.
Today we get a gift from my MIL. She is giving us a fat check to use on baby gear. Anything we want. This money is practically spent already. I want to get the Safari bedding from Baby Gap [although just as I was gonna order it they sold out, but I know they'll get more] and a Glider w/matching ottoman from Target. Can't wait! We don't have much baby stuff yet. Sorta just been waiting for our showers.
Nothing special planned for the weekend. Kids b-day party tomorrow and then Sunday we plan to catch a matinée showing of The Happening and then the Laker game.
Have a good one!
And happy Friday the 13th. ;)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Blogaversary To ME!!
My first post was written on June 7, 2007. I'm 3 days off, but my blogging has also been off so it works. I'm so happy to have reached this milestone. I was never sure I'd be able to keep up with this or even make it semi-interesting. But it's looking good and I'm hoping that it'll only get better in the future. This has definitely been the "trial & error" year. Here's to the next year of memories!
Labels: anniversary, blog
Friday, June 6, 2008
We're now heading home to enjoy our donuts and watch "Sweeney Todd". Maybe we'll also watch "Charlie Wilson's War" if I don't pass out. And don't worry folks. I have Krispy Kreme once a year...if I'm lucky. I promise Baby G won't come out obese.
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Here we go we go!
Are you ready? For the Lakers to whoop some ass??? Yea boi!!!
Tonight is Game 1 of the NBA finals. All I have is 2 requests:
#1 - Lakers, please kick some ass and take at least 1 game in Boston. Who am I kidding. Take both!#2 - Can we please get over the past?
Too much hype = BIG let down.
Let's just relish in the present and let Kobe and Garnett have a moment.
I also must sadly report that G and I will be missing the game. Well, missing it live at least. G is recording it as we have our 2nd Lamaze class tonight. Game starts at 6pm and class starts at 6:30pm. Boo. I know. But we had no idea when we registered for the class. But I'm sure we can rely on this one soon-to-be dad to loudly whispering score updates throughout the class like last week. LOL!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Things that make you go "WTF?"
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