Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here we go we go!

Are you ready? For the Lakers to whoop some ass??? Yea boi!!!

Tonight is Game 1 of the NBA finals. All I have is 2 requests:

#1 - Lakers, please kick some ass and take at least 1 game in Boston. Who am I kidding. Take both!

#2 - Can we please get over the past?
Too much hype = BIG let down.
Let's just relish in the present and let Kobe and Garnett have a moment.

I also must sadly report that G and I will be missing the game. Well, missing it live at least. G is recording it as we have our 2nd Lamaze class tonight. Game starts at 6pm and class starts at 6:30pm. Boo. I know. But we had no idea when we registered for the class. But I'm sure we can rely on this one soon-to-be dad to loudly whispering score updates throughout the class like last week. LOL!