Monday, September 22, 2008

Mommy Movie Monday

Today I went to my first Mommy Movie Monday at the Krikorian Theater in Old Town Monrovia. The lights aren't completely turned off, the sounds is turned down just a notch, and babies and young toddlers are free to roam. Andy and I were joined by Diana and her sweet daughter Lara. The movie was at 10am and I was very sleep deprived, but after some coffee and just plain excitement of returning to the movies woke me up. The movie of the week was Ghost Town. It was very funny and touching. One of the few movies that has made me laugh out loud. Then it got sad, and I cried...thank gawd Diana was also on the verge of tears. Didn't feel so stupid.

Our kids were little angels. Even Lara, who Diana says usually has to be chased around, just sat close by and kept quiet for the most part. Andy woke up halfway thru and ate and starred at the giant people. He was so amused by the giant screen. I fear his love of television is growing.

After the movie we grabed lunch at a sushi restaurant near by named Mikomi. Really good sushi at a decent price [pricer than my fav spot Ichima].

Every time I hang out in Old Town Monrovia I love it more and more. It's so quaint and far from the over-crowded streets of Old Town Pasadena [my 1st home]. The best part is the free parking! 90 minutes on the street, and sections of 3 hour and 8 hour parking in the lots located on the side streets. My goal is to make it to the Monrovia Family Festival and Farmer's Market that happens every Friday from 5pm to 9pm. I have a wedding to attend this Friday, but hopefully next Friday will work.

It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again next week! Thanks Diana!

Happy 1st day of Fall

1 Comment:

diana said...

I had a great time with you 2! Can't wait 'till next week...