Monday, December 3, 2007

Follow up to previous post

I felt that I needed to post this follow up today, because I did not realize that I had failed to give credit where credit was due on Friday. The last thing I want is enemies on the web.

Let me start off by explaining my posting process. Since I can only post while at work [only time on the internet], I tend to write a post through out the day. I'll open up the window when I get in, and then type along as the day allows. I noticed I got pretty busy Friday which is why I decided to do a "list" type post. This was an idea I got from a fellow blogger - Jen at Quarter Life Crisis. After reading her list, I really wanted to write my own list because it tripped me out that I could share so many of the same quirks with some one out there. Of course I started my half-ass intro and went on to the list. Well I totally forgot to go back and finish my intro, where I should have gave Jen props for the idea. I didn't even realize I had forgotten until I read her comment last night while checking my email on my cell phone. I felt sooooo bad about this. Why would I ever steal some one's idea without giving credit? Especially on a blog I frequent and sometimes comment on? My mistake indeed.

Jen - I was totally not stealing your idea. But it was lame of me not to re-read my post and give you credit. My sincere apologies.

1 Comment:

Jen said...

Not a problem. It just caught me a off guard to see so many similar things in your list. I hate to even use the word plagiarism, but that's what it felt like when I clicked over from an e-mail from a concerned fellow blogger.

Thanks for this, though. :)