Friday, September 14, 2007

Looking towards the future

Yesterday I had a doctors appointment to check on my healing from the miscarriage surgery [D&C]. Everything looks great and I was given the O.K. to resume normal activities. I was really happy to get this news as I have been aching to start exercising again. And literally aching as any type of activity [such as going up a long flight of stairs] gets me winded and sore. I am especially looking forward to playing soccer again [twice a week with family and friends]. I missed it so much, and I have some new cleats that need breaking in. But I also need to do A LOT of walking this week. We are heading up to Yosemite next Thursday [for 4 days] and I am very worried about how outta shape I am and how much hiking we're gonna be doing. So I plan to take these next 5 days to ease myself [especially my legs and lungs] back into shape. Well....not back into shape, but back into walking a few miles without getting tired and winded.

As for this weekend, not much on the plate. I want to take these next few days to get some shit together in my life, and catch up on many tasks that were pushed aside during this pregnancy debacle.

Have a good one!


gee said...

Sounds like fun g enjoy nature!

Unknown said...

Umm, I hadn't said anything about this topic because...well, there isn't one much can say other then I'm sorry and feel for you.

I lost my oldest sister, which is not the same, but I know it's rough. I'm glad things are getting a lot better for you. I know, I know, that wasn't a funny comment. Next time. Stay up player.