Life is busy, and the blog must wait. Sorry folks. Guess once I feel of the wagon I really didn't care if I posted everyday or not.
So I'm sitting here at my desk and it's been raining outside for about 10 min. I soooo wanna curl up under my desk and go to sleep! I had a long ass night. Please refer to my baby blog for that story. I'm also participating in an AI chat with David Archuleta, although non of my questions were chosen. Poor Baby Face, I really thought he had it. After Tuesday nights performance, he was the clear winner. But I like some surprise and was happy to see David Cook win. I'm sure all the cougers out there got together and voted for him a million times.
People are asking some lame ass questions. Turns out our little David wants to continue his education and maybe record an album. He's a little pessimistic though. He says, "If music ends soon, it would be great to serve a mission for my church." Ummm....that's great and all lil' D, but hello?!?! You were runner up in AI!! Music is soooo not gonna end soon. You have the better voice. Anyway, too much AI talk on here.
Lakers pulled off another crazy win. Damn you Lakers. Maybe it was the white-knuckle tension that brought on some contractions last night. Don't do this to me again please.
I'm so sleepy. I have no idea what else to share. I need some sugar, although i wish it were caffeine. OMG I seriously need something. I just got a text message and I picked up my stapler and almost put it to my ear to say hello. [shaking head]
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Fast times...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hot Cars
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
Things that happen when ur pregnant
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Labels: pregnancy
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hot Damn!
I'm stuffed from my sushi lunch. No, nothing was raw, thanks. Wish it had been. It is so effing hot today. I just keep seeing the number on my weather desktop widget go higher and higher. We are currently at 99 degrees! FAWK! And our farking apartment has the lamest A/C in the world! And there are gonna be a bunch of guys watching the Laker game later today, making our apartment even hotter! Oh well.
It's been 45 mins. since I typed the last paragraph. Why must there be work to do on Fridays??? Oh, I know....must be because I slack the entire week. Any who. Now my weather widget says 100 degrees. Wowzers.
Tomorrow I'm taking my dirty ass car to get washed by the Marshall High School Class of 2010 [damn that makes me feel old!]. My cousin Mariela is part of the class club or whatever they call it. They're having a yard sale at the same time to keep customers occupied while their cars get washes. Too bad it's not a farmer's market instead. I told my niece I'd buy her some blueberries after she saw them on a cereal box and wanted some. Berries sound so good. I'm so going to the farmer's market tomorrow.
Well, it's time for me to pretend I can go home. have a hot, sticky sweet evening!
Labels: hot weather
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You know you're a bad blogger when.....
You know you're a bad blogger when your brother [who you had no idea even read your blog or cared for that matter] tells you he has checked your blog everyday and you have failed to amuse him with your promised daily posts. Yes, it is true....I am a bad blogger. And thank you little brother for caring. Makes me all warm and fuzzy that people care enough to read, but not comment. :-/ Looks like May-o-polooza has gonna to shits.
So what can I catch you all up on?
- Lakers won yesterday [woo-hoo!] in Game 5, and they will win on Friday to close the series. We have decided that all future Laker games must be watched at our home since they lose when we see the game elsewhere. Friday is gonna suck though. With temperatures predicted to be in the upper 90's to low 100's, our poor apt is gonna feel like an oven! Stupid A/C. Who decided to place you in the damn kitchen anyway?
- Baby G had a doctor's appt. today and all is perfect! I had been worried about Gestational Diabetes, but I passed my 3 hour glucose exam! This means I can continue to eat my Big Sticks! We also heard the heartbeat and Baby G kicked the doctor when she was holding the doppler on my belly. Baby G likes his space! ;) And I also only gained 1 lbs this month. High-five!
- Today we will be heading to my parents house to do some much needed free laundry. I love being able to hang our sheets in the sun to dry [all whites for that matter]! They just get so much cleaner. Sun is, after all, a natural bleaching agent. Stains just disappear. And of course it doesn't hurt that we get to eat my mom's bomb-as food while we're there.
- I totally predicted that the American Idol finale was gonna be a showdown between the David's. I do think Syesha is gonna do well. And I really hope Michael Johns doesn't fall off the face of the earth. I <3 him!
- Sooooo looking forwarded to LOST tonight! We finally find out how the "Oceanic 6" get off the Island and why they are, in fact, the chosen 6.
- While on the TV subject, I watched the season finale of Brothers & Sisters at lunch time and it was so good! I love that show. I'm so glad I got back on the boat. I watched the first season off and on as it didn't fit into my sleep schedule, but I got back in to it this season, and boy is it a great show! Can't wait for next season.
- While on the subject of finale's: damn The Hills season finale sucked! This is my guilty pleasure and I puffy heart this show, but that was one of the lamest finale's ever. I am, however, still looking forward to the next season starting August 18th! Woot! :-p
Labels: babies, may-o-polooza, pregnancy, sports, tv
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Picture Post
Just a quickie picture post. This is G and I on Mother's Day. I don't think I've ever posted a picture of me preggers on here. But you can clearly see my bump. I'm now 7 months pregnant. Looks like I'm carrying my weight in my belly and boobs. That's fine with me! Glad I haven't blown up.....yet.
*Picture credit to the new awesome family photographer - my brother Robert. :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Although we did a lot of mother's day celebrating yesterday for Mexican mother's day (and yes I now realize I didn't blog), today we did a lot more celebrating. We had a huge BBQ at my mom's for my big fat Mexican family. Loads of fun, great food, and pictures! I'll post pix tomorrow with my weekend rundown.
It was also nice to be one of the mothers this year. It was a question (in my head) whether I should be a part, but I've been caring for our baby for 7 months now! I think that qualifies me as a mommy. Mommy-to-be of course!
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!
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Friday, May 9, 2008
It's Friday Bitches!
TGIF!!! I use to love TGIF....Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step, Just the Ten of Us....ah...the good old days.
Today has been a great day thus far. It's not only Friday, but I got paid, had lunch with my friend Diana, whom I hadn't seen in FOREVER! I'm talking years. Good times and yummy food at the Yard House. And she has the cutest daughter ever! Lakers play, but we'll sadly be missing the game. We'll instead be at the Dodger game! I can't wait for my Dodger Dog! YUM!
So yesterday I posted from the lab where I was getting my blood drawn. It was a 3 hour test to check for Gestational Diabetes [Pregnancy Diabetes]. So they drew my blood, gave me a super sugary glucose drink and then drew my blood every hour after that for 3 hours. They check to see if there is too much sugar being left in my blood. It was terribly boring. But check out the picture on the left. The lab is located in a really old building in Pasadena on Green St. between Mentor and Wilson. The lab is in the basement. I took this picture because the basement really freaks me out sometimes. I get a chill down there and I totally feel like I'm in a scene from "The Shining" except this hallway is scarier! At least I think so.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I failed
I didn't blog yesterday! I was so busy at work. Then we had the guys over for the Laker game and then I watched a American Idol on fast forward and went to bed. I completely forgot to blog! I made time for my baby blog but forgot to come back for this one.
Well I'm at the lab right now taking the 3 hour glucose test. I'll explain later. Won't be at work till after I have lunch since I had to fast. I'll blog more later...I hope. :)
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Labels: may-o-polooza, pregnancy, sports
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
YouTube Tuesday [and some...]
This video is long, but it's interesting!
Hope you made it thru that.
I also wanted to blog about yesterday. Me, G, my bro, and Chris went to see a taping of the Jay Leno show yesterday. The guests were Robert Downey Jr [who is assome! I love him. He is just as hilarious in person], Carlos Men-steal-ia [whom we all hate and I originally boo'd but got the evil eye from security. So instead we opted to not clap or laugh at his jokes], and the musical act was Rascal Flatts [not a fan, but they were cool]. Overall the show was alright. It was mostly interesting to see how the show works behind the scenes. We all agreed Jimmy Kimmel is better.
After the show we had dinner at Philly's Best in Burbank. One of the maybe I think producers on the show owns this franchise in Burbank. They kept talking about it before the show and it totally brought back my yet unsatisfied craving for a cheesesteak [ever since watching Bobby Flay's Cheesesteak Throwdown].My brother and I had the Philly's Best which included grilled onions, mushrooms, peppers, and american cheese. This was bangin'! I've never been to Philly so I can't compare, but this was damn good. G had the Philly with Cheese Wiz [steak and cheese]. Also very good, but not as flavorful as ours. Chris had the Philly with provolone. I would totally eat there again, but it's too far. Thankfully there is a Philly's Best here in Pasadena! It's on Raymond Ave by the Del Mar station. Owned by someone else, but the owner of the Burbank local asked us to visit this place as they just opened and need customers. BTW, the owner over at Burbank is totally cool. He talked to us while ordering and then came out to see how we liked our cheesesteaks. Oh! And the fries are good too. :) Can't wait to have another!
Burbank, CA 91506
at Del Mar Station
Pasadena, CA 91105
Monday, May 5, 2008
On Friday I mentioned my stomach pains. By lunch time, that day, I was starving. I ate lots and felt much better the rest of the day. I don't know why I was having pains. But I had told my boss that I'd be taking a half day so I didn't go back to work. After lunch at Domenico's [on Washington Blvd] G and I began my hunt for an outfit for Saturday. We headed to Paseo as I had seen online that Motherhood Maternity had cute cheap dresses. But we quickly discovered the store is no longer there. Even though the website still says it is.
G took advantage of the early afternoon and the fact that we were right outside a movie theater and convinced me to see Iron Man. Truthfully, I didn't need much convincing. I really wanted to see this movie too. We both really enjoyed the movie. Definitely one of the best comic book movies so far [although I'll admit to enjoying the X-men movies]. And I luv Robert Downey Jr. His sarcasm is great.....just like mine. :-p
After the movie we headed to Old Navy to continue my search. Luckily Old Navy came thru this time and I was able to find a complete outfit! Here's what I got:
I wore a black short sleeved cardigan over the dress and topped it with a long silver necklace from H&M. G even picked out my shoes! I'm wearing the sandals again today. I love't too sure at time of purchase.
After Old Navy we had a sushi dinner at Ichima. We then headed to Old Town to get Alejandra's gift [H&M gift card and the first 2 Gossip Girl Books]. Of course I had to get frozen yogurt at 21 Choices. I had the Mango Pineapple with chopped in fresh strawberries and blackberries. The yogurt tasted just like Malibu Rum! Yummy.SATURDAY
I blogged a short recap with a pic from the confirmation. It was all lovely. Church was followed by a family dinner at my parent's home. Yummy red or white posole followed by a super chocolatey chocolate cake topped with fresh strawberries.
Here's a pic of myself with the my Confirmanti and her family. I look so short!Oh! I did not end up watching the boxing match. But I heard it was pretty lame. Oscar shoulda TKO'd him.
And of course lazy Sunday. In short, here's what I did.
- Had cereal with oatmeal for breakfast
- Watched TV
- Baked Oatmeal Cookies
- G came home with carne asada burritos
- Watched the Laker game
- TV
- G left to play a basketball game
- Brought home a so not even healthy dinner of McD's. So was craving the cheeseburger again.
- Watched bootleg copy of "Under the Same Moon" that G's dad had. Totally awesome copy! Loved it! Cried my eyes out.
- Watched Brothers & Sisters in bed.
Lazy right! I love lazy days. And now I'm too lazy to add links and proof read. :)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Now I'm finishing watching "Brothers & Sisters" and I'm super tired. I totally forgot to blog earlier so I'll have to cut it short. I know...again. At least I have stuff to blog about for tomorrow! 'night!
Oh yeah - Go Lakers! Won the first game against Utah! Next game is Wednesday where Kobe better get the MVP trophy.
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Labels: baking, may-o-polooza, sports
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Fairy Godmother
Later tonight I'll be watching the Oscar De La Hoya fight that we recorded. And don't forget tomorrow is Game 1 for the Lakers vs the Jazz!
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Labels: family, food, may-o-polooza, sports
Friday, May 2, 2008
Stomach Virus?
I think I'm getting sick, but I'm not really sure. I woke up with a huge stomach ache this morning. It is now 12:10pm and it hurts just as much. I came to work around 9:30am because I don't want to use up my sick time now. I'm trying to save it for when I go on maternity leave. But I think I'm gonna go home. Plus, everyone at work is sick with something and I can't afford to really get sick right now. I've also been able to eat and my stomach hurts no more and no less than it did before eating. So I don't know what the deal is. All I know is I gotta stay hydrated.
Another reason I don't want to get sick is because I have my cousin's Confirmation tomorrow. I must be 100% for her. I still gotta go out today to find something to wear and get her gift. Already sounds like a long day. :( But G is off today so hopefully he'll be willing to play driver.
Have a good weekend everyone! Wait! Hahahaha...I have to blog on the weekends this month! I almost forgot. Well happy Friday everyone!
Labels: family, may-o-polooza, shopping, sick
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Today is day 1 of my 31 days of consecutive posts. It's quite a commitment and I'm scared. But I'm motivated by the fact that there is at least one person out there who is looking forward to my posts. :)
Sometimes I find it really hard to think of things to post that aren't pregnancy related. That's really all that's going on right now. That's why I haven't been posting much. So don't be surprise if some of my May posts turn out to be solely pregnancy related. I know not everyone reads my baby blog so it won't be redundant.
I'm feeling a lot of pressure to make my first post a good post. But I think it just gonna be one of those "I'm sorry..." "let me explain to you..." posts. But here's a question. What do you give a 15yr old getting confirmed? I'm my cousin's Sponsor for her Confirmation and have NO idea what to give her as a gift. I know...I should be enough of a gift, but teens are tough. I have narrowed it down to at least.....oh crap....I think she reads my blog. Never mind I can't say what. But please give me some suggestions people! And btw - the Confirmation is this Saturday so I need ideas ASAP! :)
I also wanted to mention that I heard last night that Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B, has picked up the movie rights for "A Beautiful Boy" and "Tweak" [the son's memoir]. I'm glad we're reading the book right now and look forward to seeing the film. Although I hope they don't cut a bunch of scenes out like with "The Kite Runner." In this article you can also read about Plan B developing "Eat, Pray, Love" with Julia Roberts being reported to star. IMDb has a release date of 2010 with no other info. Interesting.
And don't forget tonight is Taco Truck Night!
Labels: gifts, may-o-polooza, pregnancy