Thursday, May 15, 2008

You know you're a bad blogger when.....

You know you're a bad blogger when your brother [who you had no idea even read your blog or cared for that matter] tells you he has checked your blog everyday and you have failed to amuse him with your promised daily posts. Yes, it is true....I am a bad blogger. And thank you little brother for caring. Makes me all warm and fuzzy that people care enough to read, but not comment. :-/ Looks like May-o-polooza has gonna to shits.

So what can I catch you all up on?

- Lakers won yesterday [woo-hoo!] in Game 5, and they will win on Friday to close the series. We have decided that all future Laker games must be watched at our home since they lose when we see the game elsewhere. Friday is gonna suck though. With temperatures predicted to be in the upper 90's to low 100's, our poor apt is gonna feel like an oven! Stupid A/C. Who decided to place you in the damn kitchen anyway?

- Baby G had a doctor's appt. today and all is perfect! I had been worried about Gestational Diabetes, but I passed my 3 hour glucose exam! This means I can continue to eat my Big Sticks! We also heard the heartbeat and Baby G kicked the doctor when she was holding the doppler on my belly. Baby G likes his space! ;) And I also only gained 1 lbs this month. High-five!

- Today we will be heading to my parents house to do some much needed free laundry. I love being able to hang our sheets in the sun to dry [all whites for that matter]! They just get so much cleaner. Sun is, after all, a natural bleaching agent. Stains just disappear. And of course it doesn't hurt that we get to eat my mom's bomb-as food while we're there.

- I totally predicted that the American Idol finale was gonna be a showdown between the David's. I do think Syesha is gonna do well. And I really hope Michael Johns doesn't fall off the face of the earth. I <3 him!

- Sooooo looking forwarded to LOST tonight! We finally find out how the "Oceanic 6" get off the Island and why they are, in fact, the chosen 6.

- While on the TV subject, I watched the season finale of Brothers & Sisters at lunch time and it was so good! I love that show. I'm so glad I got back on the boat. I watched the first season off and on as it didn't fit into my sleep schedule, but I got back in to it this season, and boy is it a great show! Can't wait for next season.

- While on the subject of finale's: damn The Hills season finale sucked! This is my guilty pleasure and I puffy heart this show, but that was one of the lamest finale's ever. I am, however, still looking forward to the next season starting August 18th! Woot! :-p


Angelica said...

Dude I really can't believe you watch AI! barf.

So how did the Hills end??? I started watching it when it first aired but fell off the wagon. So is like LC some super designer now? Wait, yeah she is.

And I too check this damn blog everyday on the hour. No more slacking!

geefunk said...

HAHAHAHA! I watched AI the Kelly Clarkson season and never again. But for some evil reason I got sucked in again. I's so lame!

And The Hills was stupid! Nothing special. LC, Audrina, and Lo live together now, but Lo is totally giving Audrina the stink eye all the time. Audrina is getting tired of it. Looks like they'll pick this up next season. And she does have her own line. But that's not part of the show.

And yeah I check your blog everyday too....and know how that is. ;)

Luv ya!