Friday, May 16, 2008

Hot Damn!

I'm stuffed from my sushi lunch. No, nothing was raw, thanks. Wish it had been. It is so effing hot today. I just keep seeing the number on my weather desktop widget go higher and higher. We are currently at 99 degrees! FAWK! And our farking apartment has the lamest A/C in the world! And there are gonna be a bunch of guys watching the Laker game later today, making our apartment even hotter! Oh well.

It's been 45 mins. since I typed the last paragraph. Why must there be work to do on Fridays??? Oh, I know....must be because I slack the entire week. Any who. Now my weather widget says 100 degrees. Wowzers.

Tomorrow I'm taking my dirty ass car to get washed by the Marshall High School Class of 2010 [damn that makes me feel old!]. My cousin Mariela is part of the class club or whatever they call it. They're having a yard sale at the same time to keep customers occupied while their cars get washes. Too bad it's not a farmer's market instead. I told my niece I'd buy her some blueberries after she saw them on a cereal box and wanted some. Berries sound so good. I'm so going to the farmer's market tomorrow.

Well, it's time for me to pretend I can go home. have a hot, sticky sweet evening!

1 Comment:

ayemgee said...

gaby, it class of
im not THAT young..haha

and guess what? the freaking car wash is canceled!!i was so mad...they told me today!!!