Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day before turkey day....

This may be my last post for the week, considering I don't have internet. But I think I'll be spending all day at my moms tomorrow [where I pay for their wireless internet :\] so i'll try to get a post in.

I'm a huge thanksgiving fan. I love food and I love the special dishes served on this day. I have always been super thankful that my Mexican family is not lame [it's lame to me] and makes things like tamales and posole on thanksgiving. I mean wtf is that about? This ain't christams! heeheehee For as long as I can remember my family [on my moms side] has been cooking up a very traditional thanksgiving meal. Turkey(s), ham, stuffing, mash potatoes, peas, and all the other trimmings. I love it! My mom makes a great pumpkin pie.

This year, the entire [50+ peeps] family will be gathering at my mom's house. I cannot imagine a thanksgiving where maybe just 10 family members gather around a table. My thanksgivings have always taken place in a very warm and decorated back yard [only in California I suppose - although i do remember a time when we use to celebrate indoors] with many tables and tons of food; where we all gather in a large circle before we feast, holding hands, and take turns giving thanks for whatever we wish. There are always enough leftovers for each family to take some home for the next day.

For the first time I will actively be participating in the food prep. G & I have offered to make roasted garlic mash potatoes. I felt that now that we were married we should contribute in some way. Feels good you know? But now I have to go brave the crazy supermarket crowds and buy about 18 lbs of potatoes and everything else that is needed. Wish me luck....I hate supermarket crowds.