Friday, November 2, 2007

Plaid tights and loafers

It's Friday Bitches!

Tonight, the hubs and I are going to a book release party. A first. And not only is that a first, but I know a published author now! Ismael Perez is my hubby's cousin and he is releasing his first book. [As soon as it's up for sale I'll post a separate shout out so you all can check it out.] It's sorta funny because we had no idea he had been writing a book. And I'll be honest here. We were really surprised when he called to invite us to the book release party. Not because he isn't capable of writing, but because he spent most of his young adult life as a model [yes ladies, he's good looking]. And now a book about government conspiracies....what? really? It should be an interesting night.

But the real question is, what do you wear to a book release party? Surely not reading spectacles, librarian clothing, plaid tights and/or loafers, as Darlene jokingly suggested. At least I hope she was joking. Maybe I'll go for this:

A good mix between these two:

I'll also be seeing a lot of the hubs family at this event so I should look good. I think it may also be a good idea to liquored up before this event. I'll need to be relax since there will be a lot of mingling [and I'm not one to be very talkative around strangers...but you never Scorpio side is really mysterious when it comes to this]. And if I'm already liquored up, then I won't have to be seen trying to get liquored up. Damn I sound like a drunk.

Wish me luck. I should take my camera. But I know what will happen. I won't take a single picture all night because I'll feel like a nerd. Oh well, I must think of my loyal readers who expect proper documentation of my whereabouts.

Have a good weekend!


JESSICA! said...

your reading eat pray love?! me too! i just started and i really like it so far! and i really dont think u have to dress like a librarian! hahaha. hope you have fun!

geefunk said...

thanks jess - guess I should mention i wasn't really considering the librarian look. Just sayin'. :)

Darlene said...

NOW I have to ask what you wore to the book reading! I find it funny that on the whole, most women remember specific details about what they wore during important moments of their lives. Do you remember what you wore when met your husband? Or when he propsed? I think it makes up a lot of who we are.

I know for a fact that some men find the librarian look sexy. I don't get it.

Diana said...

Haha, i just read "librarian" on the side for you labels, so i had to read this. my husband and i librarians and i know i def don't dress like that! although, i would not mind looking like the sexy librarian haha

so this is an older post, but what did you dress up as??