Thursday, November 1, 2007

Things on my mind....

I have quite a few things on my mind. This makes it hard to blog because I can't focus on one thing. So in turn, this is going to become one of those random rambling posts.

- numero uno: i'm beginning to get stressed about where we're gonna live at the end of the month. Our apt. lease is up in 26 days and we have no idea what we're gonna do. I really want to move out and get a 2 bdrm. We are so not in a place yet to purchase a home. We can thank our own slacker selves for not getting career jobs after college. I guess it doesn't help that we live in one of the most expensive states either. So the aptartment hunting begins. I hate it. The other sucky thing is that we can't really afford to pay more in terms of rent. So that means we may be moving away from Pasadena. Sucks.

- number two: I really am so over trying to celebrate my birthday. Others want to go out and celebrate, but I don't. I don't feel like planning anything or having to entertain people. So guess what? My birthday has past. No more celebrating. [never thought i'd feel this way about it]

- tres: I never got a chance to blog about my weekend. Oh well. You can check out my Disneyland pics here. Nothing extra special.

- quatro: for the first time EVER I did not celebrate Halloween. Except for baking cupcakes. I did not have a costume, attend a party, hand out candy, trick-or-treat, nothing. Never has this happened. Well....except the one year in high school when I decided I was too cool trick-or-treat and rented scary movies. [yes I said high school. my friends and I looked young enough to get away with it. I even trick-or-treated 2 yrs ago on a rainy Halloween when no one cared who took the candy off their hands. good times] But I ended up handing out candy that year.

- there is no five

time to go home.

1 Comment:

Angelica said...

I completely understand all you points. Birthdays sometimes make you feel blu. Looking for a place to live in is no walk in the park. halloween was not fun fo rme either.

Let's just have our own downer-debbie party together.