Monday, November 5, 2007


I don't have much to say for the rundown since we basically just stayed in and did nothing. But, inquiring minds do want to know - what did geefunk wear to the book release party?!?!?!?

Not to disappoint, but I did not dress like a sexy librarian. I wore a short-sleeved black turtle neck, jeans, and black heels. I actually realized later that my outfit was almost identical to my e-pics outfit. I just wore fancier jeans for the e-pics. I hadn't worn that outfit since then. The only reason I wore it Friday night was because it was the only thing i felt comfortable in [bad comfort day].

I will say, however, that fellow blogger Darlene is so right in saying that women remember what they wore during specific [mostly important] moments in their lives. To answer her question - I do not remember what I was wearing when I met my hubby. We were in high school....and we met way before we started dating....before I cared about what he cared about. But I do remember what he was wearing when we first kissed! Random right? I remember some blue and white squared button-down shirt, layered over a white thermal. It was cold out. Do I remember what I was wearing? Heck no. I do, however, remember what I was wearing when he proposed. I specifically remember because as it happened I realized I did not like what I was wearing enough to pose for a picture. Can you believe that nonsense!?!?!? Wtf was wrong with me?!?! I swear I care that much about my wardrobe. He caught me so off guard. I was in a state of shock....i blame brain wasn't functioning properly.

Below you can see my outfit for our e-pics and our one crappy engagement night picture [captioned by my friend Claudia who was there that night in NYC on the Empire State Building].

The rest of our weekend was super boring [for you the reader ;o)]. We stayed in Saturday night and got pretty tipsy and played Fushion Frenzy 2 on Xbox 360. The funnest game to play drunk.

Sunday we stayed in and watched football all day. It was actually nice, because our weekends tend to be jammed packed.

Tonight we have an all new Heroes [hopefully they finish out the season even thought writers are on strike!]. I think our usual Heroes posse will be coming over early to check out Fusion Frenzy 2. Good times.


Anonymous said...

OMG! My partner from your wedding is a published author! WOW! He's HOT! :)

Darlene said...

I love your e-pics! Your hair looks so gorgeous and healthy...

Unknown said...

I haven't checked out your blog in a long ass time. It may seem that you write about the most random shit but it's actually funny. You should write a book. Nos vemos.

diana said...

Wasn't Heroes SOO good?! I hope Nicky doesn't die! And I KNEW that Hiro's Hero was going to be the MAIN bad guy. You don't believe me?!? I knew it! :)