Monday, November 19, 2007


Happy Monday people! Excited to have a short week. The boss leaves on vacay Wednesday morning which means we get to go home early too [at least this is what I'm hoping]! Woo-hoo!

On to the weekend rundown.

Friday night I spent at home....alone....watching a "Felicity" marathon. I'm on disc 3 of 6. But don't cry for me Argentina....I wanted to be alone. Was feeling in need of some "Gaby time," so hinted at G that he should have a guys night out. He sure took advantage of this! coming home at 3:30am!! Whatever....I had a good night and was sound asleep when he got home.

On top of that I got up early Saturday morning [9am....that's my early time] with the urge to cook. I decided I'd surprise G with breakfast. I headed out to TJ's for some missing ingredients and then came home to make a Prosciutto Potato Frittata [link note - same recipe, but not made as a sandwich filling in book]. I made this once before....for a mother's day brunch at my mom's earlier this year....and it was a hit. I had been wanting to make it and Saturday was perfect. It's a Giada De Laurentiis recipe from her Everyday Italian cookbook. It's super easy to make. Just make sure to cut your potato in very small cubes so it cooks fast.

G was very surprised when he woke up to find the table set and breakfast served. What a good wife I've been this week......don't expect this to last [insert evil laugh here]. Check out the pics below.

My Saturday kitchen adventure only began with breakfast. Soon after we cleaned up, I decided to make cupcakes! My excuse was to bake them for my SIL's birthday that day and to get ride of a box of TJ's Candy Cane Joe Joe's that I had talked myself into buying earlier that morning [while waiting in line to pay...a couple of old folks were taking way long and the cookie display was right next to me. An internal battle with myself took place and the weaker side won]. On the cookies - these are fantastically good. If you love candy canes and all things chocolate and will love these cookies. There are actual tiny crumbs of candy cane in the frosting. YUM-O!!! Of course, once home I realized what a bad idea it had been to buy them. And once I opened the box and had a cookie....i knew I had to get rid of them or they wouldn't make it to Sunday. I decided to modify a cookies & cream cupcake recipe into a peppermint cookies & cream cupcake recipe using these cookies. It was a fabulous idea and the cupcakes came out DEELISH! I was wide enough, however, to give a batch to my SIL and the other batch was taken to my aunts house where we had dinner Saturday night.

Check out the pics. You can actually see some red specks in the filling from the candy cane in the last pic.

As my cupcakes were baking....we began to get hungry again. I told G I had planned ahead and was going to make us a pizza with fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, and basil. Should have seen the shock in G's face at the thought of me continuing to cook for him and his hangover. But I was actually having that much fun in the kitchen. I wanted to keep going. And let me tell ya....I don't usually get this urge to cook. I think that knowing I didn't have anything else to do that day...and I didn't have to cook....made me want to cook.

Anywho - the pizza was also bangin. Check out the pics.

Sunday I met up with my friend [who was also one of my bridesmaids] Leslie for brunch at our favorite tea place in Old Town - The Tea Rose Garden. It had been a while since we had a good chat. Actually, I hadn't really seen her much since the wedding. Which is way sad [we're both at fault here]. And then we went to Oktoberfest last month where we realize this had gone on for too long, the not hanging out. But this is what I love about our relationship [and why it works so well]. We don't need to see each other often [even though we live in the same city] or talk on the phone. No matter when we talk or hang's as if time has stood still for us. We have been friends since high school and this is the way our friendship has always been. It's great to have a friendship that can withstand anything.

After filling up on tea sandwiches and lots of tea, we did some shopping in Old Town. I bought some black & white chucks at Gap Kids - cause i'm cool and fit into a kids size 3 [aka womens 6] and they're cheaper this way. We then headed to Tiffany's because I needed to take my necklace [the b-day gift G gave me] in to get made longer [a long process since they have to send it out to NYC]. I should have my necklace the 1st week of December. After that I held back from spending since I should be buying x-mas gifts from now on. Holding back was way hard when we went into H&M. I found a bunch of cute stuff....this made me sad.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Sike! DUDE!!! I finally made it out to the new Whole Foods on Arroyo [really just a few blocks from our place] and this fucking store is ridiculously gigantic. I mean 2 stories!?!?! 3 levels of underground parking!?! Dude. I was overwhelmed half way through. Sunday was a bad day to many effing people! I only made halfway around the 2nd floor before claustrophobia took over. But of course I didn't leave empty handed! I bought a 6-pack of beer! That is so me....I go to whole foods and only buy beer. sheesh. But it was Kirin Light which you can't just buy anywhere! So there.

Check out for a more detailed look at this new Whole Foods.

Happy Monday!

1 Comment:

gee said...

Damn gee these pictures of your Sat menu looks yummy. Your pizza reminds me of the pizzas in Italia.