Friday, June 8, 2007

I Got the Finger

Ha Ha Ha! I got flipped off on the road for the first time this morning. I just had to post because it has never happened to me. [I also have never given the finger, but I have given "the fist" plenty-o-times]. And boy was this guy pissed! lmao. I guess I cut him off, but not intentionally. I swear! I was changing lanes to get to the turning lane and this little bitch sped up! So it's his fault. That's my argument. So he honks at me and as soon as he passes me I notice he is giving me the finger. My cousin, who was in the car with me, and I started busting up! We both returned the favor giving him the double bird in a pumping motion. Classic. This guy was so mad. He was looking back to make sure I saw his finger. I'm sure he began cursing me as soon as he saw all our fingers.

Now that I'm officially in the club I think I'm gonna get myself one of these inflatable flicking the bird hands complete with a pump! So anytime I want to give some one the bird I just give a few squeezes to the pump and Viola! The things people come up with! [shaking head]

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