Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th!

Don't step on a crack!

Friday the 13th takes me back to the grammer school days. Boys had cooties. If you touch a boy today he'd be your boyfriend till the next Friday the 13th. LOL yeah.....stupid wasn't fun being pushed into booger face and thereby making him my new BF. Kids can be so cruel.

Well it's Friday and I just got paid. We have a very exciting weekend ahead filled with lots of music and booze. LOVE IT! Tomorrow night we will be attending a big group outing to the Hollywood bowl to check out John Williams: Maestro of the Movies. Good times with good peeps and great food & wine. Then Sunday [hopefully we won't be too hungover] we go back for Cafe Tacuba [Mexico city based band] with opener Groove Armada. Can't wait for that. Always been a fan of both.

Have a good weekend everyone!