Thursday, July 26, 2007


Blogging is tough business. I feel a constant need to post something witty and funny and interesting. Lately I haven't felt any of that. I have been finding it hard to post. I think I just have so much on my mind. But I don't even want to bore my readers with my troubles! All I can think about is my upcoming vacay to Seattle to visit my cousin V and her hubby and cute ass Sofia. Can't wait. The hubs and I have never been to the emerald city, so we're very much looking forward to it. Especially since there was a point in time when we seriously considered moving out there when V's hubby offered my hubby a job. We didn't care we had never been to the city let alone the state. We were ready for a change. Well life threw us a curve ball and we got a different change. Funny how things happen. Have any of you out there ever made a change on a whim? Just sounded good and took a chance? Whether it be a job change, new city, school, or life event. I think chances like these come across at various points in our lives. Everyone has em. But only a few jump on them. Sometimes I sit and wish I jumped on it faster. I was really looking for a change, and well.....we got it. Just not what I was thinking.

Sorry this post is clouded with secrecy. But my secret is slowly evolving and I'm not ready to share until there's something concrete to show for it. Bare with me people.


Anonymous said...

knew it, you're pregnant

Anonymous said...

clicked on anonymous by mistake.