Monday, July 30, 2007

Taking it back...way back...

I found a video today from last summer in Tepetongo, Zacatecas. This is the town in Mexico where my mom is from. We use to spend every summer there from middle school thru high school. I was young and my summers were spent as if i had been locked up in a cellar back in the states. My cousins and I went wild. Booze, boys, parties till the crack of dawn....that was summer. Some of the best times of my life with the best memories. Then we got back to the states and it was like nothing. We resumed our boring lives with limited social events "por que todavia no tienes quince aƱos." But in Mexico, they let you run wild...because its ok when you're with family! LOL Those were the days. Can't believe it. It's been so long since I've been back that I don't even recognize 99% of the faces in this video. But I do see my sister taking good care of the torch and breaking it down on the dance floor! Check it out -

Check out this video: Tepetongo

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As for the weekend -

It was pretty chill. Didn't melt on Saturday in Palmdale as thought. There was a strong breeze that helped keep the heat at bay. Had a great time seeing one of my BFFs & cute ass Julian! This kid is only 2 yrs old and knows exactly who Russel Martin from the LA Dodgers is and cheers for him every time he comes up to bat. Too cute. I mean how many 2 yr olds do you know that can sit through an entire Dodgers game?!?!?! I can't even do that!

Sunday I stayed home and did some cleaning and lounging. I watched Factory Girl & The Dead Girl. I really really enjoyed the first film. It was such a tragic story that totally sucked me in. I had no idea. As for the second flick - I was all into it and then it ended. Like all of a sudden outta nowhere it was over. All I could say was "WTF?" The ending sucked so now I hate the film.