Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Way I Are

I just finished the weekend rundown post, but it posted as Monday since I had saved it as a draft on Monday. So now I have to post for today. But I feel out of ideas. Maybe I'll come up with something later today. In the meantime, here's yesterdays recap.


Still sucks - drama at work...made time go by less slow [cannot discuss for legal reasons]. Then headed to Victory Park for our Tues/Thurs soccer nights. Played really hard and felt really good.

There are some good things about today:

- It's Hump Day!
- Mexico plays today [mom, please call with dinner invitation...thanks]
- G gets paid today so we are not broke anymore! [sad.....i know....]
- 2 more days till I get paid!
- 3 more days till our Hollywood Bowl weekend begins [Sat & Sun]
- 3 more days until I get a long over due haircut
- We're finally getting cable! [but not today]
- Found out Season 3 of The Hills starts Aug. 13th! Check the preview here.
- Glad I didn't get an iphone because Apple is already working on a new model [cheaper & smaller]. Read for yourself.
- I didn't have to kill any ants in our kitchen this morning!

***The title of this post refers to Timberland's latest hit. It has been stuck in my head since last week. Diggin' it.