Monday, July 2, 2007


dang it's hot out today! My little desktop widget tells me it's 91! Summer is officially here. And they say Wednesday the 4th will be the hottest day of the week! Better take some water balloons to the park!

Here's the weekend rundown:


Friday...i got paid....hmmm....what else. Oh yeah! Had a wonderful sushi dinner with my good friend A. Had the beers like I had wished for - Yum-O! We then hit up target for my last minute gift shopping. Once home, G and I walked down to Gerlach's Liquor for some beverages [vons was closed already]. The plan was to drink, but i was too tired. I did manage to stay awake thru an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. [i'm so excited for the next one because it's the "Spring Dance" episode and you know what happens....with Brenda & Dylan....i'm a goober].


Headed out early to pic up my sister, quick stop at Target and then we were off to Santa Barbara for my friend Vic's Bridal Shower. This is where the non-fun begins. We left an hour early because I figured we'd get some traffic in the Woodland Hills area, which we did. Unfortunately the damn traffic continued all the way up to 2 miles before our excite in Carpinteria! It took us 4 mother-trucking hours to get there! a trip that yahoo! maps clocked as 1hr 18mins ended up taking 4 effing hours! On top of the 25 mph, 2 hours into the trip my niece got car sick or something and decided to barf! Good thing I was able to move over quickly and exit right away. Found a gas station [ in Thousand Oaks] where we cleaned her up and cleaned the car seat as best as possible [thank gawd nothing hit my car]. Took about 15 min. to convince the child to get back into her car seat [do you blame the kid? i think not...]. Finally tricked her with some gum and we were on our way. [must remember to keep fabreeze in car!] An hour later Natalie was cranky again so we pulled over in Camarillo [yes, it took and hour to get from Thousand Oaks to Camarillo] in search of a starbucks to get her some tea, something that proved to be difficult. Can you believe the only one we found was inside Targe!?! I <3 Target even more everyday. Any whoo....back on the rode we went [probably only like 10 cars behind our original place]. Once the traffic let up we arrived at our destination. Guess what? The shower was over! Not surprised at all...just happy some stragglers were still there and we got to hang with Vic for a bit. hahaha...that rhymed. We stayed about an hour and then headed into downtown SB since my sis had never been there. We stopped at the beach for a while and sank our toes in the sand and water [perfect beach day]. My niece found a new love for the ocean. We then headed over to state street where we ate and did some shopping. We were back on the road at 8pm and home by 9:30pm with a mild migraine. *stay tuned for pictures* SUNDAY Went to work at 5:30am to run the audit, returned home by 7am and went back to sleep until 11am. oh yeah - I can sleep! Did some cleaning up and lots of lounging before G and I headed out to the movies with my bro and some other peeps. We watched Michael Moore's documentary "Sicko." Boy was this a good one. I didn't think it would be that good and was very very pleasantly surprised. I laughed....I cried [I'm a sap]. There is a great line in the movie that sums it all up and got the audience to start applauding in the middle of the film [this has apparently been happening a lot in theaters]. Former British Parliament member Tony Benn said, "If you can find the money to kill people, then you can find the money to help people." That quote along with the start of the closing credits generated much applause. If you get a chance, go see this documentary. It'll make you think and start asking questions.

sicko badge

We capped off the night with sushi [once again] and then headed home to our very own inferno.