Friday, October 19, 2007

afternoon thoughts

- wtf just happened? I've been wearing my glasses all day today because I was feeling extra blind [usually just wear them to drive at night]. So i took them off at lunch and now I put them back on and it's all blurry! WTF? I'm losing it.

- Going to ghetto ass Alpine Village today for Octoberfest. Overpriced beer & food here I come!

- Wish I was going to the UCLA game tomorrow.

- I <3 style="font-style: italic;">Rendition.

- my eyes have adjusted. glasses work again. weird.

- this work day is dragging on!!! ARGH!!!

***Here's a better pic of my new beta:


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say...thank you for posting so many interesting and random things. I don't have anything cute or wity to comment about your posts, but still I did read the whole thing and was completly amused for like five minutes, I thank you.

P.S. Very cute fish!

P.P.S. I want to read that Kite book now too!

gee said...

At least you can go without glasses for a long period of time. I have to wear them 24/7. Dang, I have to sleep with mine just in case there's an emergency.

Yeah, also your random thoughts ARE interesting. Love reading them!! :)