Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Crack Whore

I had the craaaazy-est dream last night. Sorta scary actually, but totally random nonetheless. I dreamed that me, some of my cousins and friends were crack addicts! We were selling coke....doing coke...together...alone. Like it was nothing! WTF? Why would I dream this about my drug free family and friends. I mean truth be told we've all had our share of mary....mary jane....but crack!?!?!? I'm seriously baffled by this dream.

After further investigation of my dream [aka - googling dream interpretations] I realized that it makes sense to have this dream at this juncture in my life. It is said that the 'drug' symbol in a dream can signify your need for a "quick fix." The act of taking cocaine in a dream indicates that I am feeling empty and devoid of emotions. On a positive note, the dream can also be telling that I need to be more lively and energetic.

This all makes total sense to me. For the last couple of months I have been feeling very empty. I've been so upset with the turn my life has taken that I have been desperately seeking changes. And maybe I'm not looking for the right type of change. Maybe I am just looking for a "quick fix" to get over how I feel now. I vented to the hubs on Sunday night about all this. How I was tired of feeling so shitty yet I couldn't seem to gather the strength to make any changes.

Being addicted to something in a dream can also be a way for your subconscious to tell you that you may be falling into an addiction in real life. Not necessarily a drug addiction. I honestly want to say that I may be falling into a food addiction. I realized that I had been coping with food. I have never been an emotional eater the past, but I seem to have turned to that. And I am suffering the consequences....as my jeans will tell you. Just another thing that makes me feel even shittier....and yet....i can't seem to get my ass off the couch. An interesting note - in my dream....it seemed that we had all been doing crack for a while. It wasn't a new thing. And yet....I was still not thin. If I'm a crack addict.....shouldn't I be losing weight!?!?! LOL - Go figure.

I won't analyze my dream anymore, but it sure is crazy how dreams correlate to your real life. I do believe it is your subconscious speaking to you...trying to lead you. Crazy. I guess the ball is in my court now.


Angelica said...

Lemme just say that I'm happy you looked us this dream cause I have em all the time. Figures.

gee said...

I'm always having wacky dreams myself and I can never figure them out.