Thursday, October 18, 2007

Random thoughts...

- blogger decided you can't add pictures today. Good thing I didn't want to.
- need to go to Joann's to return extra ribbon spools.
- we have no food in our fridge for dinner tonight. not feeling like take-out
- Not happy about the weather warm up
- my birthday is 10.5 days away
- looking forward to the possibility of going to Disneyland next week. I love the "nightmare before christmas" time of year.
- need to schedule a hair trim
- still thinking I should go to the social security office to change my name...the forms are all filled out...just need to go.
- crossing my fingers I get a call for a job interview in the coming week. [my co-workers who read this might not like the sound of that]
- on the verge of dark mexican + super white anglo = cute ass baby
- need to order wedding pics from our Photographer....almost a year later!
- last nights TJ's old fashioned cheesecake was bangin'!
- need to finish laundry before I run out of undies
- hoping to finish "The Kite Runner" tonight
- speaking of thursdays...i've fallen off the "Grey's Anatomy" wagon.
- happy tomorrow is friday

1 Comment:

gee said...

Out of all that I have to do 3.