Friday, October 19, 2007

The Kite Runner

Last night I finished my first bookclub read. I've decided not to review it. More like, give it a half ass review. It's just such a powerful and haunting book, and I don't have the right vocabulary to do it justice. A story of love, friendship, forgiveness, and tolerance that is guaranteed to open your mind. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone! EVERYONE. It really is one of those books that stays with you for a long time. I must warn you though, it is really sad and depressing. The entire book. And still, it seems not to end. Most of you have probably seen the trailer for this film in the theaters. Well, this morning I read that the release date is being pushed back to December because the actors are being targeted for violence by their own afghan people. This book never ends! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I cried in so many parts of this book. Just when you think things are looking up, you get punched in the stomach. It sucks. The author's [Khaled Hosseini] writing style is perfect. I sucked up every word like crack. I plan to read his second book, but a break from depression is in order.

Our next book club read is Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. Really looking forward to this book after seeing the author on Oprah.