Hello bloggers!!! I'm finally back! I haven't been working and I've had no internet at home - this has translated into no blog posts! I know....the horror! I am so sorry to have left my loyal readers high and dry! I promise I'm ok and will be back to normal posting in the New Year.
I am here now to wish you all a Happy and Safe New Year. '07 wasn't the best year to me...aside from an amazing trip to Italy, of course. But from the looks of it.....'08 is looking pretty damn good right now. Changes are a comin'! Get ready for some awesome stuff in the year to come.
Happy New Year!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Out with a bang?
Labels: holidays
Monday, December 17, 2007
Lunch Hour Theater Run
I think every one should go see a movie on their lunch hour evey now and then. Sure....a movie is longer than an hour, but who gives a shit!!! If you don't have to clock in or out and don't have an anal boss - then you have no excuse! DO IT!
My co-workers [Chris & Cat] and I decided to do just that this morning. We headed to a 11:45am showing of Juno At the Laemmle just down the street. We picked up some lunch at Rick's Drive-In first [beef burrito with everything & a side of fries, please!]. This movie was soooo funny and great! We all loved it. Great great film. I'd totally see it again.
So i'm obviously back at work. Feeling better, but not 100%. My weekend sucked ass. I didn't leave my home in 3.5 days. The sun was pretty blinding this morning. I was so sick I had to cancel all my holiday party fun. 3 engagements to be exact. Sucks. Oh well. At least I can continue to be the grinch.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The flu sucks
I've been home...sick with the flu. Sucks ass. I can't really think of anything to write, but I wasn't sure when I'd be able to get onthe internet again. I might not be posting till Monday. Sorry folks. Hope I get better soon because I have a busy weekend.
Stay Healthy!
Labels: sick
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
YouTube Tuesday
I heart The Hills, but last nights finale sucked assholes. On the bright side it looks like the show will return with Season 4 early next year. Yay for that!
Here's a funny spoof of The Hills by James Franco and Mila Kunis. Interesting that celebs are doing spoofs of this show. Just goes to show what a hit it is.
And here's one for all you non-Hills fans. So you don't cry yourself to sleep tonight.
This goes out to Matt, my high-five buddy.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I am un-american...
...because I cheered for Ricky Hatton at Saturday's boxing match against Pretty Boy Mayweather. Look Hugie, I could give less of a shit about either one of these boxers, but Mayweather is an arrogant bastard. But enough of this nonsense.
I was hoping for a nice low-key Friday night since I had been feeling pretty crappy all day, but some how my loving husband ended up having boys night in....with me home....not cool. But I played the cool wife and played xbox 360 for a while, but when more guys showed I called it a night. I tried to read, but passed out instead. Nothing like a loud bunch of guys to put me to sleep. Seriously, I could sleep through anything if I wanted to.
I slept in and then got ready to head to my parents house. My brother had ordered the fight on Direct TV HD and I planned to hang out over there all day since G had to work. I dropped him off and then headed over. I did a whole lot of nothing since my parents weren't even home [they went to TJ]. Watched a lot of tv with my brother and niece. Later on some peeps showed up for the big boxing match. We ordered pizza and watched a great fight, then called it a night. I really do hate dislike Mayweather. He's so fucking cocky. Ricky Hatton is like the people's fighter. But whatever....i don't care enough to argue anymore.
Once again we headed to my parents house. My mom called to invite us over for some handmade tortillas [aka heaven on earth], carne asada, beans, cacique cheese, chile al molcajete. It's all wonderfully good and authentic [I should take pictures next time...wait...my dad was taking pictures. Must ask him to email them]. She tricked us into staying longer by saying she was making Posole for dinner, but after all the crazy Christmas decorating that was going on in that house, she didn't have time to make it. But we kept busy watching football and napping. We topped of the night with some non-greasy fast food from Everest [the Tops alter ego in Altadena - owned by the brother of the Tops establishment. Practically the same menu], and then a quick trip to Tarjay.
G & I got sucked in to the TV movie For One More Day based on the book by Mitch Albom. It was pretty good.
As for today - My mom tells me she's making the Posole today. So once again we'll be spending the evening at my parents house. But on the bright side, this means I get to watch the season finale of The Hills! Woo-hoo! Here's to a great week!
Friday, December 7, 2007
A prayer to 8lb 6oz Baby Hey-zus
Dear Lord Baby Jesus -
This morning I learned that it has not been proven that you were born on December 25th. I'm not really sure what to do with this information. And if this "new" information is true, then why is it that we celebrate your birth on the 25th? Baby Jesus, please use your omnipotent powers to shed some light on our ignorant boss. This holy Christian man that can't even remember your birth. Yesterday, Khriz & Cat tried to fight for your rights. Much to the horror of our boss, they removed you from your manger as you have not been born yet and should not be displayed in the nativity scene. Is this really just a Catholic tradition? Has the Seminary turned it's back on us after encouraging and welcoming all religions?
Oh newborn, fragile Baby Jesus, with your golden fleece diaper, know that every time I walk into the front desk and see you in the manger....i know the truth. I will continue to believe. Our boss thinks that just because he "runs the place" he can put your 8lb 6oz infant body out for display whenever he pleases. "Because why have a nativity scene with no Jesus?"
And as Cat said, we pray that you can use your Baby Jesus powers to knock some sense into his hard head.
Thank you dear Baby God.
***Now please go check out Cat's letter to the very powerful Baby Hey-zus.
Labels: holidays, open letter, work
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Stewie: What's that? Oh yes, yes. I love crack. I'm absolutely coo-coo for crack!

Tonight, G & I are heading out to watching my cousin Mariela's high school soccer game over at Duarte High School. She has 2 evening games coming up and really wanted us to check her out. I might try to make it tomorrow too [same place @ 5pm].
Happy Hump Day!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
YouTube Tuesday
The following video was made by my cousin Adriana. I'm in it, she's in it, and few other peeps. Funny stuff. Go here to make your own.
Pimp it up Hugie! ;)
Monday, December 3, 2007
I had a very good football filled weekend!
G & I had dinner at Barney's LTD. in Old Town. I had been craving a really good cheeseburger and ended up ordering the Samuel Adams battered Halibut & Jumbo Shrimp. Not sure how that happened. But it was so good! I think the last time I had fish & chips was over 2 yrs ago. After dinner we headed over to my job to do the end of month closing. We then headed home to watch a movie and call it an night.
We got up early to get the apartment all cleaned up since we had some friends coming over for the big UCLA vs USC football game. People started showing up just before 1pm. We had about 9 people over. Out of those 9 there was 1 USC fan. Adee is not really a fan....she just goes to the school. It was a sad game. It wasn't even fun to watch. It hurt to see UCLA go down so bad.
Was spent just like any other sunday. G worked and I stayed home and lounged all day watching football. Later we ordered Chinese to watch the evening game. Very uneventful. Except I did stay up an watch Desperate Housewives and was PO'd when they didn't show who died at the end. Sure you can totally guess, but why couldn't they just tell us?!?!? Who knows when this show will be back! Argh! 1 entire hour of my life I will never get back....almost as bad as that hour during The Bachelor Finale. Disappointment.
I also wanted to take a moment and share just how amazing G's pesto is. He made it on Thursday and it was so good I could have ate the entire pack of pasta. I also made a Caprese salad that was deelish! I love G's pesto because it isn't nutty. I hate it when the pine nuts are whole or the sauce is chunky. G knows this and made sure it wasn't nutty. It was so perfect! Yum! I want more of this for dinner tonight! Thanks babe!
And here's a couple pictures of our wedding cake. I know a few of you had been wondering how it was. It looked pretty good considering.
Heroes Season Finale tonight! Boo that it's ending so soon. :(
Follow up to previous post
I felt that I needed to post this follow up today, because I did not realize that I had failed to give credit where credit was due on Friday. The last thing I want is enemies on the web.
Let me start off by explaining my posting process. Since I can only post while at work [only time on the internet], I tend to write a post through out the day. I'll open up the window when I get in, and then type along as the day allows. I noticed I got pretty busy Friday which is why I decided to do a "list" type post. This was an idea I got from a fellow blogger - Jen at Quarter Life Crisis. After reading her list, I really wanted to write my own list because it tripped me out that I could share so many of the same quirks with some one out there. Of course I started my half-ass intro and went on to the list. Well I totally forgot to go back and finish my intro, where I should have gave Jen props for the idea. I didn't even realize I had forgotten until I read her comment last night while checking my email on my cell phone. I felt sooooo bad about this. Why would I ever steal some one's idea without giving credit? Especially on a blog I frequent and sometimes comment on? My mistake indeed.
Jen - I was totally not stealing your idea. But it was lame of me not to re-read my post and give you credit. My sincere apologies.
Labels: bloggers
Friday, November 30, 2007
The quirks of me
After yesterday's post, I've decided to continue with the lists. Some more of this "get to know me" type lists. So here are some of my "likes" and "dislikes" and just plain quirks.
1. I love the smell of plastic...specifically - a plastic shower curtain.
2. I love pickles but have to eat them on the side, not inside a burger or sandwich.
3. My food must be neatly organized before i can eat. I ALWAYS fix my burger or sandwich
so that every bite is has some of everything.
4. I need time after a movie to take it in. Please don't ask for a discussion straight out the theater.
5. I refresh my email constantly.
6. I channel surf during commercials, but hate it when others do it. [sounds like a control issue]
7. I rarely eat plain popcorn. I usually put Valentina hot sauce on or jalapeños if at the theater.
8. I dance, sing, hoot & holler at concerts. But only if those around me are too.
9. My itunes must be in order. no such thing as songs with no artists names.
10. I'm always the ticket holder to events...never asked to be.
11. I snooze at least 3 times every morning.
12. I hate dirty dishes in the sink, but also hate washing dishes.
13. my shower routine is as follows: rinse, shampoo, watch face, rinse, condition, clean body, shave, rinse.
14. I cannot step outta the shower with my wet hair touching my back - i HATE that feeling. I dry myself completely with a towel, then wrap hair with said towel, and then step out of shower.
15. I plan out every vacation from start to finish. Hardly ever follow said plans.
16. I sing in the car, but never in the shower.
17. I love hot dogs smothered with mustard - only [sometimes onions].
18. I have a new love for drizzling lime juice on thin crust pizza. But only on thin crust.
19. Ice hurts my teeth, must always use a straw.
20. Money in my cash box at work must all face the same way...face side up.
Actually had a harder time with this list than I thought. I know I'm weirder than this. Oh well.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
...and I'm gonna live my life...
A day in my life...a typical weekday....this is me:
wake up sometime around 6:40am
watch Good Day LA in bed till about 7:20am
feed beta
make it out the door before 8am
pick up Cat and get coffee at SB
check my email
open Twitter
do some work
catch up on blogs
pay my bills online
head to lunch at my moms
blog at work
think about doing some work
look at my message light, but don't check messages
waste time on the internet
get dinner ideas
go home between 4pm - 5pm
think about dinner
to cook or not to cook...that is the question
Maybe swing by Trader Joe's for last minute ingredients
get mail
watch some news
start cooking
do dishes
maybe watch a rental or read
watch tv in bed or read
Sometimes we have fun at work. You know....real life tertris..."smoking" breaks out on our patio, spying on building evictions, buying unnecessary supplies at office max, etc. But really it's just boring. Super. I get a lot of personal stuff done so it works out. And I use to go into work at 7am...now i just get there sometime before 8am.
Once home, we might have my brother over and/or a cousin or friend. At least once a week we go to my moms for dinner. We always have "Heroes Mondays" at our place. People come over to eat and play some games before the show. We always have a blockbuster movie.
Weekdays are low key and i like it. G & I have been known to overdose on wine on weeknights and play monopoly till late at night. I'm scared to think how much this is going to change once there are kids in the picture.
Labels: family, married life
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What's going on in my hood

Last night my cousin Chris brought over the new Scene It game. We played a few games before Heroes and it was soooo much fun! This game is awesome. Especially fun with the new special buzzers it comes with. Really adds to the game. I sucked so bad. I came in 3rd the first game and 4th the second game. Sucks. It sucks more when you think you're so good with movie trivia and your really not.
Only one more episode of Heroes left! Damn writers strike. I mean more power to them, but I hate having shows cut off before their time.
I also want to write up a little something about our first anniversary Sunday. We didn't have plans since G didn't know he'd have the day off until earlier that week. He later told me he had tried to get us tickets to go see "Wicked" but there weren't any non $200 tickets. Sp we started the day with brunch at the Twin Palms in Old Town. We were lucky to get a table without reservations. *Tip: Go early if you don't have reservations! Later on there are too many huge parties. So brunch was of course freakin good! They have the best food.
Some how, for the rest of the afternoon we ended up tv shopping. We're gonna be losing our borrowed tv [we were storing his dad's huge tv] so we need to buy our own now. We're looking at a 36" - 42" LCD HD TV. And we don't want to spend over $1300. Any suggestions?
Later in the evening we went for our usual anniversary dinner at Cafe Santorini [back in Old

We also wanted to watch a movie, but the times were conflicting with our dinner plans. We

All in all it was a great low-key anniversary. I loved that it was based around food.
That's it for now. Tomorrow I'll provide links to pictures. Which I think I'm gonna have to pay up and upgrade to flickr pro so i can continue to upload my hundreds of pictures. *Sigh*
Labels: food, married life
YouTube Tuesday
Yup. It's that time of year already [as Cat pointed out this morning]. I can't get enough of this song. I knew it was time to post this when I saw Cat watching it this morning. And now I'll be singing it ALL DAY LONG.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy not going shopping day!!
Taking a quick minute for a quick post. My mac just picked up a wireless signal at home and I'm taking advantage!!!
Still stuffed from all the great food last night. The roasted garlic mash potatoes [with marscapone cheese] where a huge hit! G & I were very proud. I also ended up making the stuffing [casserole style] which must've turned out great too because there was non left over! After we all dined we enjoyed a little hookah. It was great to hang out with so many cousins, aunts, and uncles. It was a great thanksgiving overall. We even had an announcement that one of my cousins will be having a new addition to the family in about 7-8 months! Yay! Congrats to them. They have a beautiful little girl who is about to celebrate her first birthday!
As for today, as my title states...I will not be doing any shopping. I absolutely hate Christmas shopping and would never start on a day like this. After a bit of cleaning at home I'll be heading over to my friend A's house to hang out for a while. Eat, drink, and talk about our book club read.
Hope everyone continues to have a nice & safe thanksgiving weekend. I'll post pictures on Monday.
OH YEAH! A side note since i'll most likely not post until Monday. Tomorrow we have a quinceanera, and then Sunday is our 1 year wedding anniversary! It also marks 11 years of dating. But I guess we aren't dating anymore so I should stop counting? Maybe we can call it Anniversary 10.1 [10yrs dating 1yr married]. :-p I don't know. But I cannot believe a year has already gone by. Crazy how time flies. This year has been filled with many many ups & downs, but I could not imagine sharing it all with anyone but the one person who matters most to me, my husband Gerardo. I love you babe! Thanks for an amazing year filled with many memories. I don't believe the honeymoon is over....the good part is just beginning. Looking forward to a lifetime with you. :-x
Labels: food, married life, thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Day before turkey day....

I'm a huge thanksgiving fan. I love food and I love the special dishes served on this day. I have always been super thankful that my Mexican family is not lame [it's lame to me] and makes things like tamales and posole on thanksgiving. I mean wtf is that about? This ain't christams! heeheehee For as long as I can remember my family [on my moms side] has been cooking up a very traditional thanksgiving meal. Turkey(s), ham, stuffing, mash potatoes, peas, and all the other trimmings. I love it! My mom makes a great pumpkin pie.
This year, the entire [50+ peeps] family will be gathering at my mom's house. I cannot imagine a thanksgiving where maybe just 10 family members gather around a table. My thanksgivings have always taken place in a very warm and decorated back yard [only in California I suppose - although i do remember a time when we use to celebrate indoors] with many tables and tons of food; where we all gather in a large circle before we feast, holding hands, and take turns giving thanks for whatever we wish. There are always enough leftovers for each family to take some home for the next day.
For the first time I will actively be participating in the food prep. G & I have offered to make roasted garlic mash potatoes. I felt that now that we were married we should contribute in some way. Feels good you know? But now I have to go brave the crazy supermarket crowds and buy about 18 lbs of potatoes and everything else that is needed. Wish me luck....I hate supermarket crowds.
Labels: family, food, thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
We all grieve in different ways...
As most of you readers know by now, I'm a pretty big Kanye West fan. I usually steer clear from reporting on any sort of celebrity gossip, and will continue to do so. But for the last few days I have been feeling the need to express my condolences to Kanye o n my blog. Today is the funeral for his mother, Donda West. It's just so incredibly sad when anyone loses someone who is close to them, and it's even sadder when it's your mother and best friend [let alone that she was taken before her time]. Kanye seemed like a total mamas boy and was happy to admit it when he and his mother were on the Ellen Degeneres Show last month. So imagine the pain he must be going through.
Kanye has been getting a lot of shit because he has started touring again after canceling a few shows. The media needs to give it up and let this man grieve in his own way - by being on stage where his mother loved to see him. I think the latest video to pop up on You Tube from his concert this past Sunday in Brussels says it best. Check out the video below.
"Th-th-that that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger.."
- Kanye West - "Stronger"
Labels: Kanye West, YouTube
YouTube Tuesday
Crazy college band geeks. I love this. Can you name all the video games?
Labels: YouTube
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Monday people! Excited to have a short week. The boss leaves on vacay Wednesday morning which means we get to go home early too [at least this is what I'm hoping]! Woo-hoo!
On to the weekend rundown.
Friday night I spent at home....alone....watching a "Felicity" marathon. I'm on disc 3 of 6. But don't cry for me Argentina....I wanted to be alone. Was feeling in need of some "Gaby time," so hinted at G that he should have a guys night out. He sure took advantage of this! coming home at 3:30am!! Whatever....I had a good night and was sound asleep when he got home.
On top of that I got up early Saturday morning [9am....that's my early time] with the urge to cook. I decided I'd surprise G with breakfast. I headed out to TJ's for some missing ingredients and then came home to make a Prosciutto Potato Frittata [link note - same recipe, but not made as a sandwich filling in book]. I made this once before....for a mother's day brunch at my mom's earlier this year....and it was a hit. I had been wanting to make it and Saturday was perfect. It's a Giada De Laurentiis recipe from her Everyday Italian cookbook. It's super easy to make. Just make sure to cut your potato in very small cubes so it cooks fast.
G was very surprised when he woke up to find the table set and breakfast served. What a good wife I've been this week......don't expect this to last [insert evil laugh here]. Check out the pics below.

Check out the pics. You can actually see some red specks in the filling from the candy cane in the last pic.
Anywho - the pizza was also bangin. Check out the pics.
After filling up on tea sandwiches and lots of tea, we did some shopping in Old Town. I bought some black & white chucks at Gap Kids - cause i'm cool and fit into a kids size 3 [aka womens 6] and they're cheaper this way. We then headed to Tiffany's because I needed to take my necklace [the b-day gift G gave me] in to get made longer [a long process since they have to send it out to NYC]. I should have my necklace the 1st week of December. After that I held back from spending since I should be buying x-mas gifts from now on. Holding back was way hard when we went into H&M. I found a bunch of cute stuff....this made me sad.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Sike! DUDE!!! I finally made it out to the new Whole Foods on Arroyo [really just a few blocks from our place] and this fucking store is ridiculously gigantic. I mean 2 stories!?!?! 3 levels of underground parking!?! Dude. I was overwhelmed half way through. Sunday was a bad day to go....to many effing people! I only made halfway around the 2nd floor before claustrophobia took over. But of

Check out LAist.com for a more detailed look at this new Whole Foods.
Happy Monday!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Geefunk's Kitchen

So far the my quiche has received rave reviews [by myself, G, and Cat]. Cat is a huge quiche lover, like me, so her opinions matters a lot to me [yes Cat...it's true...i worry you won't like things I share with you. You're my personal food critic even though G went to culinary school he doesn't know how to be critical].
Now for some pictures:

As for the recipe - I had one...that I printed off the internet, but I didn't end up following it. I changed half of the ingredients, but used it as a reference for measurements and cooking time. I'm no recipe writer, but here is my half ass recipe.
Quiche alla Geefunk
10 oz Chopped Spinach [frozen]
1 pkg Cubed Pancetta [TJ's]
1/2 an Onion
1/2 cup diced Mushrooms
8oz Sour Cream
1/2 pkg TJ's 4 Cheese Italian Shredded Cheese
4 Large Eggs
3/4 cup half & half
1 1/2 tsp Dry Parsley
2 - 9inch unbaked pie crusts
Salt & Pepper
Preheat Oven to 375°
Cook cubed pancetta and set aside on paper towel to drain. Cook spinach according to pkg instructions and allow to cool. Saute diced onion until transparent. Add diced mushroom and saute for 2-3min. Mix in cooked pancetta and remove from heat. In a bowl mix the sour cream with the drained spinach [use your hands to squeeze out liquid] and season with salt and pepper. In another bowl whisk the eggs, half & half, dry parsley, and salt & pepper. Split mixtures into the 2 pie crusts in this order - spread the sour cream/spinach mixture evenly for the 1st layer, add the onion/mushroom/pancetta mixture for the 2nd layer, add a cheese layer, and top with the egg mixture to coat the top. Remember to spread everything evenly on both pie crusts.
[Side note: I felt the need for more of the egg mixture. I think next time I'll use another egg]
Place the 2 quiches on a baking pan and pop in the oven. Cook for 40 mins - until top is golden. Allow to cool for 5-10min.
Let me know if you make this and how it comes out. And as I did...feel free to tweak it for your own taste. I think that tweaking recipes really makes a dish your own. I'm finally learning this and I now understand why my food porn chefs always advise on making dishes your own.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Office Art
....i crack myself up.....really...I do....
Oh yeah - if anybody asks....I brought these post-its from home. ;o)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
JM Randomness
I really wish John Mayer had his own show again. He is just so random and funny. Until then I'll just keep searching for more videos like the one below that came from his blog.
Labels: funny, John Mayer
Historic - 1,000 Visits
yay! According to my site meter I have had 1,000 visits to my page. My dear old little blog has a few fans out there. That really makes me want to put more of an effort into this and do some better writing. Non of this half-ass blogging I've been doing. So a quick thanks for those who visit and read my ramblings. Just carving my own little corner in this crazy internet world.
Labels: thanks visitors
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
YouTube Tuesday
Been a while since I had me a dose of some Chappelle. Check out this video I got over at the Blender Magazine Blog. Funny shit.
Labels: Dave Chappelle, YouTube
In other news, my weekend was good. Friday consisted of a BBQ at my FIL's house with some awesome homemade tortillas. I totally stuffed my face. It was heaven. We then headed back to our place where we had some people over for an evening of Hookah. Good times as always.
Saturday I finally got up in cleaning mode, unfortunately, as I was finishing up the bathtub I realized it was broken. The water was not draining....turns out the plug was broken and wouldn't unplug. Of course our apartment owners are too cheap to pay for a plummer on the weekend. So no showers for us...at least not at our place. Ended heading to my moms to get ready for a couple of birthday parties we had to attend later that night. [Plummer showed up today....TUESDAY!! Can you believe that bullshit???] Saturday night was fun. B-day dinner at Wokcano for my cousin Cat [everyone must try the Geisha cocktail. So freakin' good!], followed by a b-day party for my cousin Cesar. Good times.
Sunday was a totally lazy "do nothing but lounge on the couch and watch football followed by a 'Felicity' dvd marathon" day. Yup...that sums up my day.
Alright...one more Hills episode to go!
Side Note - You all know how much I love Kanye West. My heart totally goes out to him. Losing someone so special is hard enough, but then it also being so close to the holidays....can't even try to imagine.
**Now that I'm done....totally feeling like this post has no depth. Maybe next time.
Labels: birthday, football, Kanye West, tv
Friday, November 9, 2007
ipod on shuffle
***i was going to save this post for another day, but I don't post on the weekends. So might as well do it now.
I've noticed that quite a few of the blogs I frequent have been posting the first 10 songs that play on their ipods when on shuffle. So of course bitches....i'm jumping on this wagon too! So here are my songs with a bit of commentary attached. Have fun reading and do this if you haven't yet.
iPod on Shuffle:
1. J-Kwon - Tipsy: Wow....i can't believe out of the 2,000+ songs this one played first. I can't even remember the last time I heard it! This is so college. Interesting enough, I totally started bobbing my head and wanting to hit the dance floor. Hip-hop use to be a constant staple in my rotation....not so much these days.
2. Lauryn Hill & Bob Marley - Turn You Lights Down Low: I love this collaboration. This song is just so sexy.
3. Madonna - Isaac: This is from the "Confessions On A Dance Floor" album. This whole album just gets me into party mode.
4. Janes Addiction - Just Because: Never was a huge Janes Addiciton fan, but I did love this song....and I know I'm one of millions. We went to the last year of Lolapolooza and they closed the show [went on after Audioslave. Let's just say a good chunk of people left 3 songs in. Jus twasn't that great. Couldn't follow the hype of what was Audioslave at the time.
5. Common feat. Kanye West - Southside: What can I say? Two of my favorite artists coming together to make fantastic music. This Common album continues to be part of the rotation in car [one of 6 CDs in my player - sad for no ipod connection].
6. Julieta Venegas - Andar Conmigo: One of the few latin artists on my ipod....and she is a great one. I love this mellow song. I really should import more of my CDs. Most of my latin music has yet to be imported.
7. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight: Holy crap its J-Hoe! Haven't heard her music since this song came out! LOL To think that just this morning I watched the video of her finally announcing her pregnancy. Shuffle sure is random! hahahaha This song makes me wanna dance in a rainy jungle.
8. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Breaking Girl: One of my all time favorite bands. Seen them live twice [first with Stone Temple Pilots and second with The Mars Volta]. Coulda been 3 times but my friend lost the tickets once....the horror....i know.
9. Ashley Simpson - Pieces of Me: Should I be embarrassed? Dude.....why doesn't the good stuff ever play when your ipod is on random? Maybe I should stop downloading every random song that comes out. Oh Ashley....poor Ahsley....
10. Audioslave - Wide Awake: At least this countdown ends with a band I actually Loved. As super Rage Against the Machine fan...I naturally became a Audioslave fan. Even waiting for hours in line at concerts and at the Jimmy Kimmel Show to be center stage when they played on Hollywood Blvd. I was there when they played the Rage covers and got shut down because the crowd got so crazy [not that we could tell from the front row]. It was awesome.
Conglomerate of stray thoughts
- Happy it's Friday
- not happy I'm broke till Thursday's paycheck
- i looked at a clock that said 3:55pm and got excited at the thought of going home only to realize that the clocked hadn't been changed for daylight savings.
- 1 more hour of hell
- staff meetings blow
- "now err body in the club gettin' tipz" - lol
- feeling the need to give a certain friend a much needed hug. Been a tough couple of days for my friend.
- There are some big ass birthday celebrations going on tomorrow night, but I can't seem to get into party mode. Just not feeling it....guess this being broke part is affecting my mood. Shouldn't have made such big payments so soon.
- 2 weeks to find an apartment...outlook not good.
- Must import my CDs to itunes. I never did this. Too much work. Now I import as I buy or burn. But all my old stuff is gathering dust in CD cases. Must take full advantage of 30 gigs.
- My favorite Italian Chef is pregnant! Congrats Giada....not like I know you or anything. But I puffy heart your food porn.
- haven't decided if I will go get Nigella Lawson's autograph tomorrow.
- hookah tonight! My place....be there.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
what a day...what a day....

Last night we also watched two movies. Ratatouille and Blades of Glory. Although I feel asleep half way through Ratatouille [i blame the dinner wine] I did think it was cute and enjoyed what I watched. Then there's Blades of Glory. The Gayest non-gay movie ever! LOL It was funny. Good but not great.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I covet thee home wireless internet.....
These days....with the blog and all....i sure do miss internet at home. Sometimes, like today, work doesn't allow me the time to post. I sit here all day wishing for a moment to collect my thoughts and post. Same thing happened yesterday. I didn't get a chance to post and as soon as I left I had some great topics to write about. I sat in my car, at the Lake Ave freeway on ramp, and went through the entire post in my head. I thought that I'd write it all down when i got home and post it today. Sure enough, that didn't happen. Once I made it onto the freeway my brain was taken over by other bubbles of thought waiting for their chance.
Today, I finally get this moment to blog - just before the clock strikes four and the bars are lifted off my fluorescent lit cell [because we all know work is like prison....without the satellite TV]. But I hate it when I end up venting about not blogging, instead of seizing the moment. Well if I can't complain here, then where can I?
Now go watch this commercial and laugh as I did this morning.
Labels: commercials, internet, venting
Monday, November 5, 2007
Not to disappoint, but I did not dress like a sexy librarian. I wore a short-sleeved black turtle neck, jeans, and black heels. I actually realized later that my outfit was almost identical to my e-pics outfit. I just wore fancier jeans for the e-pics. I hadn't worn that outfit since then. The only reason I wore it Friday night was because it was the only thing i felt comfortable in [bad comfort day].
I will say, however, that fellow blogger Darlene is so right in saying that women remember what they wore during specific [mostly important] moments in their lives. To answer her question - I do not remember what I was wearing when I met my hubby. We were in high school....and we met way before we started dating....before I cared about what he cared about. But I do remember what he was wearing when we first kissed! Random right? I remember some blue and white squared button-down shirt, layered over a white thermal. It was cold out. Do I remember what I was wearing? Heck no. I do, however, remember what I was wearing when he proposed. I specifically remember because as it happened I realized I did not like what I was wearing enough to pose for a picture. Can you believe that nonsense!?!?!? Wtf was wrong with me?!?! I swear I care that much about my wardrobe. He caught me so off guard. I was in a state of shock....i blame that....my brain wasn't functioning properly.
Below you can see my outfit for our e-pics and our one crappy engagement night picture [captioned by my friend Claudia who was there that night in NYC on the Empire State Building].

Sunday we stayed in and watched football all day. It was actually nice, because our weekends tend to be jammed packed.
Tonight we have an all new Heroes [hopefully they finish out the season even thought writers are on strike!]. I think our usual Heroes posse will be coming over early to check out Fusion Frenzy 2. Good times.
Labels: book signing, football, Heroes, xbox 360
Friday, November 2, 2007
Plaid tights and loafers
Tonight, the hubs and I are going to a book release party. A first. And not only is that a first, but I know a published author now! Ismael Perez is my hubby's cousin and he is releasing his first book. [As soon as it's up for sale I'll post a separate shout out so you all can check it out.] It's sorta funny because we had no idea he had been writing a book. And I'll be honest here. We were really surprised when he called to invite us to the book release party. Not because he isn't capable of writing, but because he spent most of his young adult life as a model [yes ladies, he's good looking]. And now a book about government conspiracies....what? really? It should be an interesting night.
But the real question is, what do you wear to a book release party? Surely not reading spectacles, librarian clothing, plaid tights and/or loafers, as Darlene jokingly suggested. At least I hope she was joking. Maybe I'll go for this:
I'll also be seeing a lot of the hubs family at this event so I should look good. I think it may also be a good idea to liquored up before this event. I'll need to be relax since there will be a lot of mingling [and I'm not one to be very talkative around strangers...but you never know...my Scorpio side is really mysterious when it comes to this]. And if I'm already liquored up, then I won't have to be seen trying to get liquored up. Damn I sound like a drunk.
Wish me luck. I should take my camera. But I know what will happen. I won't take a single picture all night because I'll feel like a nerd. Oh well, I must think of my loyal readers who expect proper documentation of my whereabouts.
Have a good weekend!
Labels: book signing, librarians, outfits
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Things on my mind....
I have quite a few things on my mind. This makes it hard to blog because I can't focus on one thing. So in turn, this is going to become one of those random rambling posts.
- numero uno: i'm beginning to get stressed about where we're gonna live at the end of the month. Our apt. lease is up in 26 days and we have no idea what we're gonna do. I really want to move out and get a 2 bdrm. We are so not in a place yet to purchase a home. We can thank our own slacker selves for not getting career jobs after college. I guess it doesn't help that we live in one of the most expensive states either. So the aptartment hunting begins. I hate it. The other sucky thing is that we can't really afford to pay more in terms of rent. So that means we may be moving away from Pasadena. Sucks.
- number two: I really am so over trying to celebrate my birthday. Others want to go out and celebrate, but I don't. I don't feel like planning anything or having to entertain people. So guess what? My birthday has past. No more celebrating. [never thought i'd feel this way about it]
- tres: I never got a chance to blog about my weekend. Oh well. You can check out my Disneyland pics here. Nothing extra special.
- quatro: for the first time EVER I did not celebrate Halloween. Except for baking cupcakes. I did not have a costume, attend a party, hand out candy, trick-or-treat, nothing. Never has this happened. Well....except the one year in high school when I decided I was too cool trick-or-treat and rented scary movies. [yes I said high school. my friends and I looked young enough to get away with it. I even trick-or-treated 2 yrs ago on a rainy Halloween when no one cared who took the candy off their hands. good times] But I ended up handing out candy that year.
- there is no five
time to go home.
Labels: birthday, Disneyland, Halloween, rent
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Disgruntled Employee Costume
i wanna blog....i wanna blog...i wanna blog!!!
fucking work
fucking end of the month
fucking heat
fucking good ass mini pumpkin cupcakes [with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting] with a that i made that i can't stop eating!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
YouTube Tuesday
Kenna - "Say Goodbye to Love"
......and have I mentioned I love John Mayer? ;o)
Here's one for you fans out there.
***I wish the video didn't cut off. :(
Labels: John Mayer, Music, YouTube
Monday, October 29, 2007
TO ME!!!!
26 yrs ago today I was born in Glendale, CA. A total honeymoon baby.
I'll post my weekend recap tomorrow. Today we celebrate life. Another year to build memories on. Can't wait. I think this will be the best one yet. Just sayin'.
Dinner at my mom's today. She's making red posole for me. And she's baking her famous carrot cake. Can't wait! Oh yeah - and it's Heroes night and we get to watch it in HD.
Here are some pics of my day thus far!
Labels: birthday, food, TiffanyCo.
Friday, October 26, 2007
from disney...
Labels: dia de los muertos, Disneyland
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thank you san gabriel mountains
anaheim doesn't look like this.
Labels: brush fires